A common thing I get is how do we keep up with all the tasks and projects and still get rest? Following Gary Vee and his hustle mindset and agenda. I was fortunate enough to meet him in person in Hong Kong during the Rise Conference and got an autographed copy of his book. While doing that, I threw a …
Hosting Global Sources Webinar
The right product, the right price at the right time. This was the sub-theme of Global Sources’ Webinar on Omni-channel E-commerce held on October 15, 2020. I had the pleasure of hosting the said webinar and to moderate the panel. Learned more about Omni-channel and the cross border trade in general. Didn’t even notice that it got dark in my …
Staying Healthy and Fit (Positive) During Challenging Times
The year 2020 is coming to an end, and many of us have gone through dramatic changes. One small thing I have done – when I had to flee Philippines and left most of my possessions behind – one was a TRX set for my morning workout. Been doing basic stretches in the meantime – but then was lucky enough …
E-commerce Networking Community
Working online can be a grind. It is all about community and networking. Over the years at the Global From Asia community – we have put together a private membership, GFAVIP, where we have been hosting online sessions, group trainings, and a full library of courses on ecommerce and online business. We’re doing this because especially in these times, working …
Mountain Hike During Golden Week Holiday in Shenyang
Yes, been a while since the last vlog – but hope you are enjoying the shorter more focused videos on a specific topic or thing we are working on here instead. Those who miss these vlogs, here we go – finally leaving the house again (seems whenever I leave the house I have to take the camera!) for an extended …
Meeting Angelica – Working Online Over 4 Years Now
Was able to meet Angelica who worked with me at our Global From Asia community for a bit a couple years ago. She’s based here in Manila and as I have been saying trying to get face time with as many people on the team and in the network for long term relationship building and collaborations. She just had her …
Catching up With Old Friend Talking E-commerce Re-Kindling
Those who read this blog maybe 5-10 years ago may have seen quite a few posts of Marie. I first met her in Shenzhen, China in 2009 when she applied to work with my crazy e-commerce and SEO office and it was my first time to work with a Filipina. She had been living in Shenzhen for some time and …
Transitioning Kids To Full Time School (Retiring as a Home School Teacher?)
2020, what a year. Entering into September and there was a family dinner and discussion about the Fall semester. Home schooling has been taking a lot of time on the family – from meal preparations to 3 of us sharing full day classes (Wendy morning Math, Grandpa Chinese in late morning, and my English classes in afternoon) – so we …
Living in a High Tech World (Happening in a Town Near You?)
Getting over the writer’s (vlogger’s) block and have been wanting to share about this – at least here in China – the COVID has pushed big data and high tech to a whole new level. Entering a mall, I am scanning in at a mandatory checkpoint to report I am entering this place of business. The use case is in …
Bro Night (A Match Made By Our Families)
Been less active on the v-logging – just because it would be a bit of a repetitive one of me walking between 3 apartments each day doing my morning work (on Loadpipe, online marketing) to afternoon home schooling and dinner at the in-laws. Today – we have a “match making” session – my mother in law is an acupuncture specialist …
Reducing Our Requirements for Material Things (Living with Less “stuff”, more Love)
Minimalism is always something I have been fascinated with since I moved down to Manila, Philippines from China in 2009/2010 for an interesting year of commute between the countries. Moving always makes us realize – why do we need all this stuff. I’m blessed my wife is on the same page – and while we have just moved into a …
Becoming a Homeschooling Teacher
Guess it was inevitable to be in China and become a teacher. But this is different, Doing this for my kids. With schools shut down now until at least the fall here in China (they just announced in early May 2020 that schools will be further delayed from opening until the Fall) – I have to finally take matters in …
The New Normal – Searching For An Apartment Back in China
Can you believe we are almost halfway through the year 2020? Still feel it is January and preparing to fly to Philippines for a few months. Sitting in the same desk and chair in my aunt-in-law’s spare bedroom that is a makeshift home office, the same spot I booked a flight to Manila in January. But we are approaching mid-May …
Time for the World To Wake Up
Here’s my review of Laurence’s book, who we we’re lucky to have on the Global From Asia podcast. (listen here) The book title is “A Time For Shambhala” but another name could be “A Time For the World to Wake up”. No, not for politicians and leaders to wake up – but for the “average” human being. The book inspired …
Digesting and Processing and Transforming in Shenyang
Well, after the “music stops” and the pursuit of getting to a ’final” destination has been reached – there is the “morning after”. I mean I am so happy to be re-united with my wife and kids, but now the next big adventure and question is – where do we go from here? No one knows how long the world …