Got A Second Dose of Sinovac Vaccine

In blog, vlog by designer

Yes, still here in Shenyang City of China. I have been trying to make a trip down to Shenzhen (the south of China) for some Amazon FBA acquisition broker deals and general meetings. But now, the south is on a lockdown again due to an “India strand” of the Covid virus.

So may as well get my second dose of vaccine in the meantime.

I have to say, I had some side effects from the first shot. Heart rate increased and there was general pressure on my heart for the last few weeks. Wendy helped get me to a TCM (Traditional Chinese medicine) heart specialist and assigned me some medicine which has helped. The last side effect was the main artery to my heart from my shoulder was sore (like a bruise kind of feeling when I touched it). But let us just get this over with and check the boxes for the second and last vaccine.

What a wild time in our lifetime. One for the history books. Truly pray this is the last of it and the world can somewhat go back to normal.

Although for sure there will be medical passports or some sort of medical check procedure now when crossing borders – making travel and international business that much harder.

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