Calling it PASSION, and yes, also EMOTION. But to make an omelette, you need to break some eggs.
Brushing Dust Off Old Business + Launch, Relaunch, Push it!
NYBS re-launch plan + TV show, Launching more products, GFAkids IT upgrade, Flamingo Handshake expansion, & more!
Factory / New Products / Team / Launch Process
Quick list before meeting Andres at airport and driving 4 hours to a factory in the mountains: new products at akitai, team training, launch process improvements, flamingo handshake auction
90% Settled In, Shifting Gears to Community
Full week now in our new home, and daily trips to various grocery stores and home stores, now back to community building.
Thailand Basic Foundation & Team Leadership Continues
We found a home school parent co-op that really fit our needs (more later). We then found a place 5 minutes walking from the school. Waited to find what is right for us.
Thailand Transition, GFA Kids Config
“Recovering” still from last week “family migration” from China to Thailand. Still a ton to do but the huge chunks of the migration are done.
Final Preparations for Exit Customs
hesitant to even say anything until my wife, kids, and I are all allowed to exit the China border – but we are 95% sure we will be allowed to leave Tuesday
Last Full Week in Mainland China
Last full week for me in China. Need to really make sure all paperwork, visas, exit docs, etc are lined up so one left behind in borders or airports (it has happened before, nightmare to say the least)
Paperwork For WHOLE Family to Leave
Stressful last week with Thailand visa / China exit procedures. Knee deep in documents, PDF, and bureaucracy! Reminds me of why I love blockchain – transparency in the procedure! But keep fighting – keep sending the documents to various government agencies.
Immigration Paperwork Coming, Transition Time
Paperwork should arrive for Thailand immigration this week. Nerve-racking as not sure how long things will take, and where I’ll be living. But the work must go on!
Team as a Platform (TAAP), MB Now July 31 – Aug 6, 2022
HR / payroll / finance as our team and company gets larger and more complex got me thinking, TAAP (team as a platform). we must keep investing in these core admin processes and team.
More Lockdowns, More Working Online (Grinding)
Keep building. We have been doing at Shadstone since forever. We are making a team, making systems, making a platform – for us to build and create. Sure, many of our projects do not go as planned, but we keep moving forward.
Being More Proactive (Launch Calendar)
Weekly launch calendar, and product launch workflow – really exciting to work with our great team on this standard process. Once running, believe will further reduce my personal stress.
Dreamlining + Trying To “Put It All Together”
GFA village dreamlining (after reading book “Network State”) – the end game of GFA community was always to make a “real life” community and ecosystem.
Grinding on the 4th of July
But we are pushing ahead and Monday is a normal work day – got plenty of calls and plans packed in to discuss. Such as Blimp Program expansion for cohort 2 with Aubrey, and pushing limits on various projects we have.