Happy Friday, about 6pm here and I’m off my morning coffees, but I thought it would be good to get it out for USA time zone Friday mornings, get some fresh eyes on this poem my Chinese friend sent me today. Read below, I’ll add my perspective after: Enjoy your coffee this morning! A group of alumni, highly established in …
Finally Got A New Bike in China – Foldable, Urban-Friendly
Didn’t think I would come to blog about this, but its been a hot topic on my posts in facebook, twitter, and weibo….guess talking about bikes and personal life is more engaging to people then business posts! People wanna see more pics of it (folded), more size details, cost, that I’m riding it inside the new shenzhen coworking space. Here …
I Am Happy
Fulfilled? Sure, there are a few things on my wish list…but for the most part, I am happy with my life and the way things are going at the moment. I am getting warning signs from a few of my friends and advisors on this shenzhen coworking project taking too much of my time and not getting enough return for …
Adapt, Why Success Always Starts With Failure – Book Review
Committed my Sunday afternoon to finishing this book “Adapt, Why Success Always Starts with Failure” by Tim Harford, this excerpt really got my interest we are blinder than we think (page 17)….Humans cannot make the right decision every time, we have to learn by failure, we have to have courage to try, and have to have the right balance of …
Blog Like No One Is Watching
I have been behind on my blogging. A bit discouraged, in a transitional state of business and life. To top that off, overwhelmingly getting people and articles telling me to focus and that this blogging is sucking up too much time and not worth the effort. But I enjoy to blog, so who cares what others may think. Maybe its …
Full Moon Today, Don’t Make Decisions Too Quickly
As I have said, its been a transitional time for me, maybe that is how we always grow? Learn. Challenge ourselves. I wish I talked to my father more, but I did give him a call last night to catch up. Just the idea he supports me unconditionally has helped. To be honest, I almost credit this blog…he reads it …
Another Reason We Need to Appreciate Every Day We Are Here
Read today about a blogger, Derek Miller who planned his last blog before he died of cancer. How fragile life is, how short life is. He reflects on his life and states he is no longer afraid of death, he has accepted it. Reading it cant help but make you think how you should appreciate your time on this earth. …
Choosing Not to Make a Decision is Still Making a Decision
Spent last night making USA calls, to suppliers, clients, accountant(s) (yes, I work with 2…), trademark attorney, parents, and tried to catch some friends. Just this time difference (12 hours ahead here in Beijing timezone) makes it harder and harder to stay in touch with my friends on the other side of the globe. I have been in Asia almost …
Cannot Give Up, Cannot Forget The Long Term Idea
This is what i am constantly saying in my mind each day, over and over pushing myself, “don’t give up, think long term”. i got a question in ecommerce section of allexperts.com today, a guy asking me which products are most profitable to sell online…..today’s question was: There is a question waiting for you in the category of “E-Commerce, Web …
April Is a Stressful Month For Many in China, Not Just Me
As you can see, I’m pretty open about the extreme stress I have been under in business and travel. I think I am developing quicker. There is a saying I saw on a facebook status update that I liked and tweeted: “Always do what you are afraid to do” Ralph Waldo Emerson I definitely think working as a small business….in …
Do We All Live Fair Tales Lives?
I remember Braveheart was one of my favorite movies, a boy who due to his father’s death in battle while he was young, had to leave his hometown to live with his uncle far away. But this allowed him to learn much more, experience much more…expand his horizons. When he got older, “became a man”, he returned to his hometown. …
Motivational Poems from my Dad
My dad is one of my top blog readers, I am in a way glad he reads it, but at the same time I cannot spend more time talking to him and with him in person…being over here in Asia has been great, but there are some irreplaceable memories I am missing out back home in America I am sure. …
Quick Motivational Email From My Dad
I guess I am already “successful” depending on how you define it, we all are if we accept the person we are, and utilize our strengths and offset our weaknesses with good people. But why is there this constant internal pressure to “prove ourselves” to our family and to the world? I have been so much busier then in my …
Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
I remember when my friend Hasan visited me last August… he and other say I am still basically the same person I was in university….that hyper-active “kid” baby face who just won’t take “its not possible” for an answer. “Mikey likes it”, the kid who would take dares and dish them out just the same (getting in trouble a few …
Trying to Embrace Change, not Resist Change
That has been one of my biggest changes and challenges in my life….to adapt to rapidly changing environments, both physically (as in geographical locations) and business and economical changes (international currency risk, global competition)….While I still naturally resist change, I realize I cannot change the way the world is going, and instead have to embrace this dynamic, rapidly changing world …