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Re-Entering The Bar Products Online Retail Industry

In e-commerce by Michael Michelini2 Comments

Re-entering the Bar Products industry A bit early stage to say anything, but hey – this is my random personal blog and I have been wanting to get it out of my head for a while. So my first e-commerce business, that I started in 2005, well technically started on eBay in 2004 but launched the website in May 2005 …

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Welcome Back after Chinese New Years! Ready to Rock!

In china business, e-commerce, social media by Michael Michelini3 Comments

I remember being that frustrated American in USA….emailing factories and Chinese businesses during the months of Jan / Feb and getting nothing, no reply, not even a vacation autoresponder (well Chinese don’t really use email anyway…) ….and after over 4 years in China, I still “try” to get work done during Chinese new years….on the foreign (Western) side… doing conference …

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Do You Think an commerce store #in

In china business, e-commerce, usa by Michael Michelini6 Comments

Been thinking more about about the direction of the business. And I am really thinking the above idea could have an interesting twitter to today’s ecommerce + social meda. Create an online store from my blog. Put my “personal brand” behind the products we are selling. I can cross promote thosse products on this blog have discussions on the products…show …