I’m excited to welcome Claire Chen to the Shadstone family! Her and I connected from the Global From Asia podcast- she is a regular listener (awesome!). She just graduated from MBA In the United Kingdom and was looking for opportunities back in China on her return – and we worked out a deal. I haven’t had someone on the team …
2017 Is The Beginning of a New Cycle
Its a New Year – What’s the Plan? I’m really so excited for this year. One cool thing I heard from my friend QY on her Facebook is we are at the beginning of a new “cycle” (cycle of what, I’m not too sure) – but here it goes: 2016 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9 …
2016 Year End Review
(testing combining a blog post and a video blog as 1 WordPress post, feedback appreciated!) Technically today is Jan 1, 2017 – while it is always confusing me to make separate blog posts about last year and one for the coming year – I’m gonna merge them up in my morning brain dump today. Quarter 1 2016 – Full Time …
Backup Plan If Trump + China Gets Americans Kicked Out
Sure, when I first decided to move (well, let’s say “travel” that became “live”) in China I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. And starting out in 2007 I for sure didn’t expect to be writing this blog post in late 2016 as a husband to a Chinese wife and father to 2 kids, living in Shenzhen. But like …
Helping Out My Office Partner – Andre – A Place To Stay in Kowloon, Hong Kong
Andre is awesome, and today I just want to give him a public shout out on my personal blog. I met Andre Martin (Tweet him @AndreMartin) back during the budding days of the Hong Kong startup community formation. We both were hanging out at BootHK coworking in Wanchai. We got to know each other more over time, have tried to …
Already Thinking About 2017
Let’s rock this. Halloween is over. I remember a joke I saw on Instagram, when the clock strikes midnight on Halloween, the pumpkins go away and the Christmas carols turn on in the department stores! Lol! Well, I am even more ahead of them – skipping the Christmas mindset and heading straight into new years. Are you ready? I remember …
Heading to Shanghai in Early September
Its been a bit over a year since I have been up to Shanghai – it is still one of my top cities in China to visit – maybe I’d go there more but the overseas internet just doesn’t work in China! So I will do all my “Shanghai” catching up in a quick one week trip. Speaking a Wechat …
Honestly, a Little Nervous in China With South Sea Political Debates
So I rarely get into politics on my blog – but this is hitting home a bit. The recent news about The Hague favoring the Philippines on the discrepancy on the South China Sea and where China can claim its land has scared me. Seems to me more of a military positioning thing – that China wants to be able …
Surrounding Yourself with Positive People
If you ask most successful people how they achieved greatness, I am sure it is about surrounding themselves with good people. Life is really short, we cannot be experts at everything and therefore we have to have good people around us to fill in the gaps. We trust them for the information and recommendations they provide. They help us feel …
Longest Trip Ever – Being Away from Wife and Kids
Typing this up from my friend’s office in Prague. He worked in my coworking space when he was visiting Shenzhen and now is returning the favor. So fortunate to have good friends around the world. But friends aren’t the same as family – especially when you are a new dad and have a 2 year old and a 5 month …
Book Reflections: Obstacle Is the Way
Just some Random Book Notes from Obstacle is the Way I just finished listening to the audio book “The Obstacle is the Way” by Ryan Holiday. I enjoyed the fact that I finished it over the past few days in Prague. Just helps me solidify what I learned. Taking long walks in new places and beautiful parks has been epic. …
Barcelona + More Inspiration at Dynamite Circle – Mike’s Vlog 020
This Dynamite Circle group of digital nomads (“location independent entrepreneurs”) always motivate me to make moves and push myself harder and in business. Inspired me to start a podcast Global From Asia which is my main gig now, thanks guys. Haven’t been to Europe for years, so what better reason than to come to this amazing event! What I learned …
Heading to Cebu, Philippines June 7- 10
Its been close to a year since I was down in the Philippines. As I mentioned then, I am a partner in a SEO office in Cebu. Things have been busier than ever, and my partner, the CEO, Josh has pulled it off and we need to take things to the next level. I wish I could take my family …
Welcome Valery To the Team, Welcome Her to Hong Kong !
I’m so excited these past few days – we have a new visitor to Hong Kong – Valery! She’s been working on the Shadstone team now for a couple months – and this is the first time we have met! Such a positive person, she is in charge of our client services and community management. Which is perfect work for …
Big Plans for 2016
We’re all so excited when a new year comes. We write down our resolutions and wake up on January 1 with a clean slate. Fact is, we need to start it before New Year’s Day. And I am not partying on Dec 31 like the old days, I want to be fresh and awake on the first day of the …