As we approach 2022, it feels as if the years just keep flying by. I’ve been back in Shenzhen now for a few months and I’ve realized that old friends are also returning. One example is Melissa. She was in South Africa with her husband and daughter (her husband’s job relocated him there), but in the last year or so, …
7-Day Mountain Temple Experience Recap
No video blog, no photos today of the actual experience, sorry. Just have this one photo of the map I took while hiking one of the mountains in case I got lost (which I did anyway – but what is it to be lost in reality anyway?) Like many things in life, I wish I had done this earlier. My …
HuaQiangBei Electronics Market Post Covid Tour with my Son
I’ve done a Hua Qiang Bei market tour video blog before, but that was all in the “pre-COVID” world. Friends like Andy Lee have been asking me for a vlog showing how the Hua Qiang Bei market has transformed since COVID became a reality. Today, my son received a DIY spider robot in the mail and made most of it …
Forcing Yourself to Take a Couple Days Away: Huizhou Beach
For months, since we were up in Shenyang, we’ve been discussing with the family about taking at least a few days. The original plan was to go to the Shaolin temple, but the heavy rains and flooding there caused us to skip those plans. Then we decided to come down to Shenzhen and I hoped to get a bit of …
May 1 Holiday – Local village + Culture Shock
It’s been a while since the last vlog that I did. But with all of us locked down, there’s not much to vlog. I have barely left the 2 block radius of this apartment, ha! But we did take a TRIP! We took a 2-3 hour normal drive (4 hours with the holiday traffic) to a lake / beach near …
Company Retreat
March 2020 was crazy! I went to Bohol in the Philippines to meet my team. The plan was to do a strategic planning and team building or retreat. I just want to get to know the team better. Then, it happened. Lockdown. We were having fun one day then scrambled to try to get home the next. The rest, well …
Mini Vacation in China (Yes, in today’s Climate)
Been quite some time since last vlog, feels strange even recording and typing it up. A bit rusty with the video came – hope you can enjoy! A few of you have been missing the videos – but I do not want to just make videos for the sake of making videos. The point of the vlog is when I …
Ejected: Kicked Out at 6pm – No Visitors Allowed Due to Virus
Was really hoping I had a bed to sleep on for more than 1 night. But my old friend Abdulrahman was shocked on the next day, as well as me. For those following the vlog (v-log, lol) I thought I was “safe” for a few weeks. An angel – well David on Wechat, re-connected me with an old friend Abdulrahman …
Cancelled Flights & Locked Down in Cebu
I have been running away from an avalanche for a week now – lockdown in Manila, lockdown in Bohol – and in Cebu booking flight to China. Thought I would make it – literally by the skin of my teeth – with a Tuesday March 18, 2020 flight to China – with 2 connections – for 800USD. But failed. The …
Drastic Times, Drastic Measures: Mask Trading & Re-launching Sourcing business
My wife has been pushing me for weeks to do this, and I have been resisting. As always, the wife is always right. We need to change our business models and do what is most needed – for the world and for our businesses. I’m bringing back the old Shadstone Sourcing trading business – – and will be focusing …
Company Retreat in Bohol Turned Operation: Evacuation
Writing this up from my hotel room in Bohol under much different circumstances than I expected for our team retreat. Rushing to the airport on Thursday, Marc told me that Manila is considering going on full lockdown. I wasn’t sure if I could make my flight before the lockdown was announced or what would even happen. Flight went like normal …
Watch a Budding E-commerce Community Grow – Trip To Baguio, Philippines
Catching my breath after two 7 hour bus trips to Baguio and back in a few days- but it was quite the experience! Note – if you go to Baguio – bring a light jacket – it is cold. 5,000 meters above sea level, you will take a coach bus for 7 hours and towards the last hour you will …
First Week in Manila: Volcano Hit, Studio Work
Been a week now in Manila and I know I’ve been quiet. Busy – rested up last weekend after a rough flight w/ bad connecting flight. And Monday morning started off the week with a volcano eruption Welcome to Manila! So in today’s video blog just a walk through some of BGC / Makati and meeting the team I’m working …
Ice Lake, Crab Cooking and [Leaving The Kids Behind]
The last video blog with the kids for some time, so enjoy. Unless you’re that friend of mine that can’t stand the baby and kid content, then you’ll have more of the “just Mike” content coming soon. But this video was the last few days of mine in Shenyang, China with the wife, kids, and extended family. Then down to …
Traditional Northern (Dong Bei) Chinese Meal
Less than a week before I kiss the wife and kids goodbye for a few months and fly down to Manila, Philippines. So how else to celebrate than to get the whole family together and eat a massive meal. Everywhere in the world, but especially in China, this is how people gather. Wendy booked a nice traditional North Eastern Chinese …