Back in university, Richard Widdicombe my fraternity advisor gave me this poem and I have kept it near me a lot to keep remembering, its about the PEOPLE around us, in our real life, not on TV or the movies. Read below A Quiz on Life Take this quiz: 1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world. 2. Name …
There Is No Happiness Without Action
Caught this tweet (message over twitter for those who don’t know) while on the bus from Shantou to Shenzhen @rochorbeancurd – Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action This is why i love twitter…throughout my day im getting pumped with tons of ideas, visions, motivations. Meeting new people, sharing ideas, supporting and inspiring one …
Getting Through Tough Times – Think Long Term
I recently had a QQ chat with a shenzhen friend of mine, I won’t disclose who she was as I am sure she would be upset if I did. But she was really depressed, her boyfriend and her had broken up and she also got declined for a job she had just interviewed with. She made it seem like the …
Everyone wants to be a Billionaire – And then What?
So many people dream to become rich, multi millionaires. But whats the point…really…..all your problems in life will simply go away? Another annoying thing is people choose a job based on salary…..I can admit I have done that in the past, working at Deutsche bank, it was one of the highest paying offers, but then again, I didn’t want to …
The Road Not Taken – Inspirational Poem
Sunday, as always to me, is a reflectionary day – and my mom (well my dad emailed it as my mom doesn’t like using computers, hah) and I guess she knows from my blog that I am thinking a lot about future and strategy and shares poems with me from time to time for my motivation. The road not taken, …
Motivating My Staff – Is this Blog Confusing?
Some of the staff in Shenzhen have been getting demotivated and wondering what is the future, what is the end goal. I think that is because I have been traveling so much lately….away from the office in Shenzhen. They are wondering what is the future for them, what is going to happen. Am I too open on my blog? Does …
Remembering the Days Preparing to go to School – GO, FIGHT, WIN
As I sit in the airport in manila, man, I am thinking of the past 3 hour bus, taxi, customs clearance battle. And that is what it is – a BATTLE. Then I remember back to grade school times, and waking up so early in the morning, maybe 7am – my mom would have prepared some hot oatmeal (I would …
The Buck Stops Here – Just Making Things Work
So many times we are told “sorry sir, but what you are asking for is not possible”….or other forms of “no”. Our job in life is to turn no into yes! MAKE IT POSSIBLE. MAKE ANSWERS, not questions. In this blog title, i quote Harry Truman in his famous quote ” The Buck Stops Here” – Harry Truman I read …
We Just Have to Let Go – Resist Resistance
My friend Marshall from all jewish links sent me this article from Kaushik of Beyond Karma about LETTING GO of resistance. Just being who we are, not fearing it. Its about finding out who we are in life, and it seems that as technology, and civilization progress – people are made to feel they have to fit into the cookie …
We Become More of Who We Are Over Time
I know sounds like a high school algebra or calculus topic, but it is actually a pretty cool idea. I saw this quote pass me by on my twitter fashion in some fashion of a robot spammer trying to get me to signup for their get rich quick scam – but the idea is great. Another inspiring piece for this …
Feel Like Another Version of Movie “Last King of Scotland”
I recently watched the movie “Last King of Scotland” and in a way, I saw a reflection of myself there. The story in the movie is about a 20 something Scottish guy that is not happy with his current direction in life – working in a boring job, living at his parent’s home. He somehow gets word of opportunity in …
When stressed, write down your worries
I wish I could remember who taught me this….but when I get totally overwhelmed and confused….I have trained myself to take a deep breath and write everything down….prioritize it.. Keeping customers happy – sometimes I freak out that maybe customer service isn’t good, or quality of a product is going to be an issue. These can be controlled, and I …
sometimes I cry – can a man cry?
Yes, I will say it, sometimes I cry! Is it a bad thing? I am talking to my friend Jojo now in chat, and in China it seems like if a man cries, he will “lose face”. he is weak. he cannot be in control. Maybe its not only in China. Seems all over the world, in cultures its the …
When I learned I had to do things on my own – SOLO
As I prepare for my travels this week and next month, I wonder how I got into this habit of being able to go off alone to these different places with no idea what to expect! Of course there were some milestones like leaving home for college out of state….and before that going to catholic high school not knowing anyone …
Leaders INSPIRE action, not WHAT you do, but WHY you do it
Another great shared article and website, -which is a leadership and motivational website, sent to me from Terry Obershaw at SKU Touch again has got me excited – I am loving how more people are submitting articles, excerpts, and poems for me to add to the blog. Giving this blog a purpose! So Terry sent this specific video- How …