I think my whole life I have been a somewhat natural networker. I think it comes from my dad, I remember going to church with him as a little boy, he knew everyone, and would take the time to say hello to almost each and everyone after mass. I remember getting annoyed, (1) because I didn’t really enjoy going to …
The Turning Point….When I Realized I Couldn’t Fail
Chatting to my boy Dustin Ellard right now…he and I have both been internet businessmen working in different projects over the years, helping each other out. He said he’d not been keeping up on my blog and wanted to catch up…I mentioned ya, I’m still trying to blog at least once a day, then he said “good job keeping at …
Words Change People’s Lives
Talking to my friend Cynthy about my blogging and about life when I was visiting Hong Kong…and she mentioned to me that what I am blogging may change people’s lives. That words are strong, and lasting. Maybe even subliminal. That I should think more before I blog, because people take it seriously and to heart. I think of that childhood …
Reflection & Update on My Business Life
Wait, do I have anything else but a BUSINESS LIFE? So what the heck do I do for a living? What am I upto now? Where in the world am I now? Jeez, I guess even though I’m pretty active blogging, and open about most of my personal and business life, have done business updates before, its about time I …
Motivating Myself Through Starvation
Having trouble sleeping ,so popping open the laptop. Starvation, well, not literally…..bet it got your attention though. But I am beating on myself, pushing myself….why? I don’t want get lazy. Don’t want to get comfortable. I don’t want to be a failure…a washup…a has-been…. Business is modern warfare. And I don’t want to get into politics too much, but we …
Maybe Being Open on this Blog is Helping!
Many times I have gone back and forth with myself about how open to be about my business, my life on the internet. It does get a bit scary when I meet people for the first time, and they know so much about me already….and I have no idea who they are! Yet they immediately have more trust and care …
Sometimes Just Feel Like It’s a Constant Hail Mary
Maybe its because I spread myself too thin. Maybe because I feel the odds are against me. Because I’m traveling alone, and currently don’t have any business partners to “share the pain” but I am constantly hustling and trying to make things happen when I feel totally cornered What is a Hail Mary? Well, it’s a football term when the …
In San Diego, Remembering A Few Years Ago
Been an unusual few days so unable to post for a while. Was in Los Angeles with Abiy for a day, then rushed down to San Diego for the weekend. Remembering the same route in San Diego May 2007 when I was just getting here after leaving my day job at Deutsche Bank. That feels a lot longer then a …
Gotta Remember To Be The Man In The Arena
I still think of that poem: the man in the arena. I love it, it is so representative of living as a bootstrapping small business owner in today’s global world. Sure, maybe I am a bit more extreme, unfocused, and impatient then other entrepreneurs and small business owners….but the current environment is the same. It’s a fight, it’s a struggle, …
Taking That Return Flight to Hong Kong…
Maybe my friends reading this are getting a bit frustrated with me….but now I have decided to take the flight back to Hong Kong (ie China / Philippines) I have been thinking about this since the wedding this weekend…and I guess I have a lot of explaining to do! When I first landed in new york JFK airport a bit …
My dream last night
I think it was a few dreams together, waking up and going back to sleep I was in the Philippines, and I was on a skype phone from a room I had never been in before. I was talking to Andrew that I had given up newyorkbarstore. He was telling me its ok, and that I tried the best I …
Riding an Emotional Rollercoaster
My family has a history of bipolar disorder. When I was younger, I went to a psychiatrist to see if I had signs of bipolar. The doctor said it wasn’t likely I had it, and that maybe by my mid-twenties if I didn’t have it, then most likely it wouldn’t show up. I never was admitted to a hospital for …
Back in New York – Ready to Rumble!
Came back to NYC a day earlier then originally planned….just so much going on I couldn’t stand being away. What is basically developing in is a local media marketing company for the nightlife and entertainment industry. Looking to warehouse locally some products from newyorkbarstore that had been upstate for many many years – also cooperating with a couple advertising agencies …
Another Personality Shaping Movie – Groundhog Day
I know I have been doing a lot of “movie reviews” but hey, I’m hanging out at my parent’s house catching up and hanging on the couch with them is bonding. This is another movie that is in VHS cassette version, yup, needed a VCR player. But I have watched this countless times when I was younger, and had to …
Memories – Reading my First Journal from May 1997!
Been digging through my old files and found my 3 journal books and 1 dream journal book – as well as some personality tests, and an old hard drive with my college memories on it! I flipped through the journals, considering having someone type them up for me. I remember the day I bought that blank book, hearing of businessman …