Becoming a Dad Every Day is Father’s Day Yes, I have been a dad now for over 4 years, but it is a process. Mike’s Blog 183 I don’t want to say it was easier – but it kind of was. Sure, there was the crying at night and the unknown but now that my 2 amazing kids walk around, …
Life is Moving So Fast (Miles Turns 4 Years Old)
Life Is Moving So Fast (Miles Turns 4 Years Old) The years are just flying by Mike’s Blog 180 It is true what they say – kids are like human timers. Four years ago, I was having sleepless nights with Miles in an ICU. Such a nightmare couple weeks, but the boy is strong and healthy and happy. I am …
Celebrating Your Birthday
Another year in the books, a chapter in the book of life! Mike’s Blog 174 How do you celebrate your birthday? I have personally gone through various phases over the years. Of course we remember the McDonalds playground birthdays as a toddler where we have the cake, moms, and other kids yelling and screaming around (I’m starting to re-live that …
Hardware Massive Pitch Events Coming to Shenzhen, Hong Kong
It is that time of year again! My friends at Hardware Massive are putting together another hardware startup pitch series and have what I call a “double header” with back to back events in both Shenzhen and Hong Kong for their chapters there. If you are a startup looking for exposure and a chance to get the big break you …
Let’s Rock 2018
Let’s Rock 2018 Mike’s Blog 148 Are you excited? New Year is always an exciting time for us as it is a clean slate. Start fresh, put behind us all the things that didn’t go well for us in the previous year. Here at Global From Asia, we have accomplished quite a bit so it hasn’t been such a bad …
Another Amazing White Collar Fight Night Event in Shenzhen
I had the pleasure to attend the third annual White Collar Fight Night in Shenzhen this past Saturday. John Graham and the crew continue to step up the game upgrading the venue to a bigger and better venue – at the Futian Sheraton Grand Ballroom. A charity event, this boxing match engages the local community to step up and “fight” …
Business, Friends, Thanksgiving & Unexpected Life Events
Business, Friends, Thanksgiving & Unexpected Life Events Mike’s Blog 146 Bit of a random video blog today – on the border between Hong Kong and China as per usual – and there is this USA holiday called thanksgiving that just passed. I think it isn’t just the holiday, but also the fact that another year is coming to an end …
Another Epic Event in the Books – Cross Border Matchmaker
Another Epic Event in the Books – Cross Border Matchmaker Mike’s Vlog 143 Today, I get a break from the normal video blog and want to highlight some of the amazing time at the Cross border matchmaker – our first one this past Friday Oct 27, 2017! We’ve done a couple Cross border Summits – April 2016 and April 2017 …
Hangzhou, China Campaign
Hangzhou China Campaign Mike’s Blog 133 We are here in Hangzhou, China. A city not as well known as first tier cities such as Shanghai and Beijing – but one we should take note of. I’ve been fortunate enough to have gotten to know Lorenzo a lot more while he was down in Shenzhen earlier this year. He had lived …
Saigon, Vietnam Meetup for GFA
Great time at the first Global From Asia Saigon, Vietnam meetup. Mike’s Blog 110 Got it done right off the bat here in Saigon, Vietnam. Landed literally the day before and came to a city I had never been to and did a meetup the next day. Thanks to Jon Myers and many others in the local scene for helping …
HitCrunch is Coming – June 3, 2017 in Shenzhen, China
One of the cool things about organizing events (like our Cross Border Summit) is we hear about awesome upcoming events as well. The team at Hit Crunch reached out and am I very excited about this event. Want to share some ideas and perspectives about it now. What Is Hit Crunch? I think its best described when you understand what …
Preparing for the First DCxHongKong Event
Boom! Two weeks after the DCBKK conference in Bangkok (their 5th!) we are finally having a “DCx” event in Hong Kong. What’s a Dcx? Basically like TEDx – independently organized micro meetups based off the brand and format of the main conference. So it will be a 2 day event on Friday Oct 28 to Saturday Oct 29, afternoon will …
What I Learned at DCBKK 2016 Day 2
The second official day of the conference (and final day) was action packed again. This whole conference was really like 5 days for me – from Wednesday and Thursday meetups to Friday mastermind to Saturday and Sunday formal conference and parties – my brain is seriously overloaded. So the second day, Sunday Oct 16, 2016 had the morning sessions as …
What I Learned at Day 1 of DCBKK 2016
As always, I am super overloaded with amazing information and action items from the DCBKK event. Still deep in the event today on day 2 but wanted to write up what I learned yesterday at day 1. Also – HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dan Andrews working the conference on his birthday, respect! Being Vulnerable The opening session was done by Jaime Masters …
October Is Going To Be A Busy Month!
Here is my crazy outline for October 2016. Let’s rock! October Holiday (Mid Autumn Festival) (Flight to Shenyang Wed, Oct 5) – The month will start off with the second biggest holiday in China. We plan to go to hometown in Northeast China (Dong Bei) Shenyang. To see family and celebrate Wendy’s grandmother’s big birthday. DCBKK – Tues Oct 11 …