Been a hermit lately. While not much of a Thanksgiving holiday here in China (I had beans, beef, and salad for thanksgiving dinner, heh!) it is a quiet time from the normal workflow to get some projects done. The latest is my third book! Insane when I think about it – it was a bit over a year ago when …
Latest with Social Agent
Its been a while since I have updated everyone here about Social Agent. Its been a bit over a year since the startup merged with Unchained Apps and time we give everyone an update. Released a Totally New App! We went back to basics and the core of what we were trying to solve. That is – making introductions to …
Launching China Mastermind via China Business Cast!
Wow, want to more about China Business Cast podcast and other business updates of mine? Didn’t realize people actually check this blog ( for updates about my business updates. Honestly I just write this blog as a place to get pieces of my brain out to the world, and who wants to read it can read it. Today, let’s update …
Couldn’t Help Myself – Back to Hosting Events Again
Lately being all cooped up in my apartment with my wife, kid, and in-laws I have finally gotten the need to get out and network a bit. Years ago, people would see me at every startup event and conference. And a lot of them I was an organizer! After having a kid and some other shifts from thinking online business …
Amazing Time at DCBKK 2015
Typing this one up from “inside the machine” at DCBKK 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand. Been trying to keep up my morning routine and write every morning, which is a real extreme challenge here as this conference is action packed from 7am to midnight! Just fortunate to have found this community and been able to stick with it for the years. …
Settling Back In China, My Long Term “Home”?
Been back in Asia now for a few days. Still catching my breath from the US. Life is a beautiful thing. Having a family is a beautiful thing. Having family spread across the globe is a complicated thing! This trip was mostly a personal trip, to have my family back home meet my son for the first time. Miles can …
Arrived in USA
Back in good old USA safe and sound. Arrived Friday morning local San Francisco time. So blessed to have arrived here safely and smoothly. Landed 9:45am local time, about 45 minutes late due to not leaving Hong Kong on time. Was told it was due to air traffic control delaying planes from leaving the runway. Have to admit, I have …
Launched Big Update on Written Chinese’s WCC Dictionary Mobile App
Excited to announce the company I’m part of has a product launch of a massive update for a learning Chinese app – WCC Dictionary – with a big update in the UI other features, if you’re coming to China, or in China, try it out – so many free features you can pretty much use it without ever paying! I …
Interviewed on RTHK’s Money For Nothing Radio Show
Last week (Friday morning) I was invited as a guest on RTHK’s Radio show “Money for Nothing”. Was a different experience from my time podcasting, as it is so rushed. But was an amazing experience with the professional setup right in downtown Hong Kong. What is RTHK? RTHK is Radio Television Hong Kong, it is an official network for radio …
Passed Google Analytics Course: Google Tags Fundamentals
Pretty excited I just passed the Google Analytics Tags Fundamentals course. If you take it and pass you get a nice little badge you can use – here is the link to the badge I was wondering how long it would take me to do, did it in about 2 hours on an afternoon. If you want to try it …
Book Review – How to Be a Power Connector
A couple months ago my friend Chris Moore sent over a podcast episode on I Love Marketing podcast that he felt would be perfect for me. It about managing and leveraging your contacts. Judy Robinett was the one interviewed. She resonated with me about how to organize and strategically think about your relationships. Got me enough to buy her book …
Happy July 4th From China
Another July 4th in China. This year had a bit of a different style to it. The US Embassy invited me to Guangzhou for the Celebration of the 239th year of the United States of America. Sure I’ll take them up on the offer! Haven’t been to Guangzhou since going last year for Miles emergency passport. Walking back into the …
Book Review- Startupland
I was fortunate enough to attend Mikkel Svane’s (Zendesk founder and CEO) presentation of his startup journey founding the company in Denmark to relocating to SF and the recent IPO. I’m really happy he also stopped by Shenzhen on his China visit – as a lot of people are unaware of the size and ability of the tech community here. …
Taking the Fam to America! USA trip in September
I’m excited to say that I am taking Miles to USA for the first time! We booked the flights for September and Wendy, Miles, and I will be cramming onto an international flight from Hong Kong to San Francisco! International Flight Details So I booked it for September 11 and will stick in the States until about the end of …
Book Review: Zombie Loyalists -> I’ve Been Bitten!
Just finished reading the new book by Peter Shankman, “Zombie Loyalists”. I’m so excited I devoured the book as soon as it was released a couple weeks ago, and just finished it over the weekend. I listened to Peter speak as keynote at a DCBKK in 2013 (Dynamite Circle mastermind conference and he really moved me at that speech, discussing …