Just arrived to Canton Fair for a long trip here in Guangzhou. Join me as I bump into Cam, a Canadian seller at the Chiang Mai airport, fly – delayed – direct to Guangzhou China, and do a walk through of the Canton Fair. We also attended the FBA4U meetup at Happy Monk which was an amazing way to kick …
Edge City Day Visit 2! Chiang Mai, Thailand Popup City
Back from Bangkok and straight back to a day pass at the Edge City Lanna – 9ish-AM arrive and welcomed with such friendly and good vibe people. Right off the bat saw Sophie again, who I enjoyed a drawing session with last week. Chatted about China, business – she even had heard of our startup Hamza already and was interested …
DCBKK Experience – 2024’s Annual Pilgrimage of Digital Nomads
October and November each year, I just gotta block off everything from my calendar and say it is intense events. And of course a big highlight is DCBKK annual conference by the Dynamite Circle community. Each year in Bangkok, we get to gather for multiple days of meetups, round tables, masterminds, and speaker sessions. I try to share at meetups …
Popup City Experience – Day Visit to Edge City Lanna, Chiang Mai
October is an intense month here in Chiang Mai – and there is a ton of popup cities forming for the lead up the Devcon (devcon.org) in Bangkok in mid November. A village formed of like minded people who spend a fixed amount of time (in this case about 1 month) to have events / gatherings / team building / …
Last Preparations for Cross Border Summit (and Family Help!)
Mike, Wendy, Snook + the kids are doing some checking out for the upcoming Cross Border Summit! Back in Chiang Mai, and hit the ground running with hotel and after party venue checking for the sixth annual Cross Border Summit. Kids are on a week break from school so Wendy and I took them with us! Snook on our team …
The Final Asia Roadshow – Shenzhen, China
The end, the final one. Three weeks, six cities – and wrapping up the final one – in my “headquarters” of Shenzhen, China. Our biggest turnout as well – and the feeling of “hungry” to sell their business and make deals was palpable. Just an amazing hyperactive networking session again. Filling the wechat contact list and talking about cross promotions, …
Hong Kong, Networking & Prison Museum: Asia Roadshow 5
This is the third week of this trip – and has been a defining trip making quality relationships and strengthening of existing ones. In a quick 1 day Hong Kong stop over – spent time with Chris visiting his place and seeing his chameleon! Fed some crickets then off to the old Hong Kong prison which is now a mix …
Roadshow 4 – Hanoi, Vietnam! Quality Ecommerce Connections
Event number 4! This has been an intense amount of travel and networking from Thailand to Vietnam and then to Hong Kong and Shenzhen! Have to be honest – Hanoi’s had the lowest amount of pre-registrations – but a lot more came than expected. And not just numbers – quality, highly influential people from the ecommece industry. It was also …
Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam – The Asia Roadshow 3
Getting halfway through this six part, three week road show – The Asia Roadshow has now gone to Vietnam and this Tuesday evening Oct 1 we had our third meetup – this time inside the Amazon offices here on the 36th floor of a very downtown area. Have to say – Vietnam was one of the lower amount of registrants …
The Asia Roadshow 2: Bangkok, Jam Packed Networking
So time for our second road show “The Asia Roadshow” – a co-event with Flippa and our Global From Asia community – as we lead up to the sixth annual Cross Border Summit happening Nov 3-5, 2024 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This one was the one where I started my travel, as the first was in my “home city” of …
First “The Asia Roadshow” in Chiang Mai, Leading to Cross Border Summit
Just can’t help myself- gotta do this hyper networking and hyper travel. This is the first in a 6 part roadshow – “The Asia Roadshow” we (our community at Global From Asia) is doing with Flippa. It started with connecting with Fiona at Flippa about podcasts and Cross Border Summit – which they came through and sponsored our summit (thank …
Integrating Family and Business, Weekend Business Meetings
Family and business, you know I am a workaholic. Typing this up physically and mentally exhausted from intense creating and building. To have your own business is a blessing, yet is also a massive pressure. To add on top raising a family – and many of you know the thought process and challenges. For me, I am trying to integrate …
Business Development Grind – Ecomm Meetup, Encounters, Seller Dinners
Just taking the video camera with me on another “outside day” doing business development. Had our regular Chiang Mai ecommerce meetup – the format people like is going around the room introducing yourself quickly, highlighting who is doing what. Then this time we had a few people come up on stage and share for 5-10 minutes about some of their …
Outcalm Mindmap in Real Life & Big Board Meetings
A few days of intense sessions – both 1:1 and group board meetings. It is about pushing your boundaries, facing your fears and stress head on, and improving. Alex Avanthe, I’m blessed to be connected and working with him. He’s running his practice “Outcalm.com” to help business owners to use calmness as a strategic advantage. In addition, he’s also our …
Speaking to Thai Sellers & Manufacturers at CMU Step Amazon Event
Another day, another sharing. This is what it is about, “hitting the pavement” and making relationships. I was invited by the Amazon Global Selling team in Thailand to share about the seller community and events we are doing (Cross Border Summit + others). During the 20 minute slot, I decided to make it a bit more interactive. Asking questions, seeing …