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Philippines – So Beautiful yet such political + economical problems

In business, philippines business, travel by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Last full day in Philippines, next step is Thailand. It still amazes me, Philippines is such a beautiful country…and the people are generally so nice and friendly… is it possible its under such difficult political and economical conditions…. for example, our beach house this morning didn’t have power for a few hours….and this is a normal issue. Another issue is …

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Snorkeling in Puerto Galera Philippines

In philippines business, travel by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Finally have a bit of destressing on this trip. Many think this is like a vacation to me, but really the past couple weeks traveling have been almost purely business!!! And the stressful preparations for the Xiamen internet show, and booth, was really insane. Not to mention dealing with website problems for some ecommerce stores and warehouse systems along the …

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International Business – Forcing things to work

In business, travel by Michael Michelini5 Comments

Writing this at 5am walking down a sides street in makati, manila, Philippines from my mobile phone…..still blows my mind the drastic changes in climate, economics, and culture in 1 country or region to the next,,,,,and makes me realize how sheltered i grew up in safe and secure us of america! but really, like i title this blog, business is …

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Still Feel I’m holding myself back

In family friends, motivation, travel by Michael Michelini10 Comments

Another day in Xiamen, visited some ecommerce and sourcing people, hoping to grow some connections here and get to know the city more. Most of the others from the trade show left on Sunday, almost immediately after the trade show ended…..not giving one extra day before or after to see the city. Maybe I used to be like that, short …

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In Xiamen – SMX Internet Trade Show

In china business, travel, websites by Michael Michelini3 Comments

Arrived in Xiamen yesterday, Jojo booked me a flight at 7:40am – so I arrived here bright and early to prepare for today’s Chinese Search Marketing Expo. This year I prepared a booth and a speech – about how to sell directly in the USA market. As chinese companies need to become more competitive in today’s difficult economic environment (falling …

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So Busy In Shanghai…..this city is great

In china business, travel by Michael Michelini5 Comments

I know its better past due for a blog post…I was doing great making regular posts….but I’m on business travel now…..and I seem to be on a roll….. jamming in at least 3 business meetings a day, and shanghai is not a small city!! So seems some days I bounce from one side to the other in a crazy , …

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Upcoming Travels in China + Southeast Asia

In china business, travel by Michael Michelini7 Comments

writing this on my mobile phone, it amazes me how open the world has become with the internet. My assistant jojo has prepared my travels for the next month, until the end of april, and this is what i have lined up: Now until march 25 – stay in shenzhen / hong kong taking care of business operations, financial cashflow …

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How to Structure NYC Retail Store Licensing + Consignment Deal

In travel, usa by Michael Michelini3 Comments

i’m back to doing USA business almost 90% of the time….think i really gotta get back to the usa and straighten some deals and alliances out. Since Shadstone took over newyorkbarstore…. i have been seeking vigorously how to improve the cash flow, here are some ideas I NEED HELP WITH #1…………….how to structure a deal like that… 1) PARTNER with …

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Things I want to do before I die

In motivation, travel by Michael Michelini2 Comments

I am cleaning up my desktop and computer, going through tons of folders and files…rather annoying but its good to go through it on a weekend – travel back in time and remember all the hopes and dreams of the past. Some are real, others never became – or realized something else. I found a really great file, things I …

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Haaaa What People Steal from Hotels

In travel by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

I was emailed an interesting article from a fellow blogger – Top Things People Steal From Hotels The list he outlines below is hilarious: 1. Towels. Do you really need more towels at home or do you just want to have something that says the name of the place you stayed. Most times these items are available for sale in …