Been back in USA a bit over 2 weeks now, and being Sunday, its always my “planning and strategy day” no matter where I am in the world, Sunday is the most “calm” day, the least amount of new incoming emails, and a chance for me to catch up, reflect, and think ahead. Timezones: In just 2 weeks so many …
Studying About Immigration into America
No, I’m not getting married – I have been interested in a few different ways to bring foreigners into America, like: Chinese or Filipino workers who are excelling in their job and want the opportunity to work in America businessmen I have good working relationships with in China or other countries that would like to visit USA Students who want …
My Transition to Minimalism + Focusing on Life, not Things
Got an email today from Kate who says she’s been following my blog for some time now – nice – thanks for reading! And again, I am a believer on minimalism – after moving around so much, “stuff” isn’t really that valuable, you have to pay to move it, or give it away (wait, I mean try to sell it …
Live on A Deserted Island? Movie review – bare essentials
No…. its not some porn guys!! Its a 1991 classic movie that I had watched a few times when I was younger, and last night I pulled out the VHS tape at the parent’s house (yup, I know, OLD SCHOOL!) and watched it. Still as great as I remember it…..and being in such a different position in my life, it …
Next stop florida – exhausted from Puerto Rico
Talk about a life in a fishbowl – a global fishbowl! I’m hustling and running from country to country, state to state….its exhausting. Wifi is non-existent (or out of my price range, sorry not paying for wifi in hotels), and blogging as I can as I setup my new Samsung Galaxy S mobile phone (tethering the internet to my laptop …
Getting Excited + Nervous – USA Trip Next Week
Man, its almost here……1 more week (next Wednesday) and I’ll be back inside US borders. Wonder what the US customs official is gonna see when he sees my last date of entry was June 2008! A little nervous, its been so long. to see friends, family, customers, potential customers, online friends I have never met… Hope I can get everything …
Back in Hong Kong, Hasan Visiting From Pakistan
Finally Hasan has made it out to visit me in Hong Kong. We spent lots of emails back and forth about when he would be visiting….making it a bit difficult to arrange my philippines trip before going to usa, but it ended up working out ok. He is only 1 of a handful to come visit me from my USA …
Maybe Do Social Media From Phuket, Thailand?
Paul Chong from a wufantuan startup met up with me tonight and mentioned this social media posting in Phuket, Thailand! People have been noticing when I stop twittering! Awesome, social media is all about being a LIVE PERSON. A living, breathing human being. Not some RSS feed machine. And even if a human is actually writing it….don’t just talk professionally …
How I Keep Up With Blogging
I have always enjoyed reflecting and recording what I do. As I have said before, since high school I have kept a journal, and putting things down on “paper” (physical, or virtual – but I actually do prefer writing something down on a piece of paper, as it feels like I have physically created something) has helped destress myself, and …
Does International Business Make Us More Racist, or More Aware?
Coming back from Philippines to China, and just passed the border into hong kong and its always a sight….its kinda sad, but i don’t get in the line where there are africans or middle eastern….because almost definitely they are going to take longer to process…and almost 75% of the time have to be interrogated by border patrol supervisors, being my …
White People Need More….Things….
I started drafting this on my mobile as i sat front seat in a jeepnee heading back from the beach……maybe its the way white people are raised….but i think its true….i need more things to be comfortable then my friends around me in the philippines, maybe because I grew up with more “Extra” things in life, I became too accustomed …
Welcome to the Philippines – Felt Like a Local This Weekend….
man, I am trying to submerse myself into the culture to learn how people live….but this past weekend took it to extremes! Marie, Jennifer, Analou and myself went on a weekend trip to Batangas. After night shift on friday night, we left around 7am, packing up light backpacks with swimsuits and a change of clothes, it was exciting! Unfortunately, we …
Living Life as a Minimalist
my buddy James Song thought of me when he got this email and passed it along – I definitely think it fits my current lifestyle and objectives these days. Its about just OWNING what we really need in life. Not to be attached to personal goods. I took a quick snapshot of me right now, I’m hanging out in flipflops …
Travel Plan The Next 4 Months
Been getting tweets, phone calls, emails since I blogged I am leaving Shenzhen. I feel the love! Its not that I am leaving FOREVER – but probably won’t be here to much these next few months. Maybe back in late November. I am not sure if I have blogged it yet, but put on facebook and twitter feeds that I …
On The Road Again – Life on The Road
Just last night subletted my apartment in Shenzhen! With furniture and all….amazing… have 2 weeks until they move in and I have to find somewhere to LIVE….. To Live……a home……….haha, I forgot the feeling of having a home!! I am going to live life on the road. I have people to support me in China, Philippines, USA, even in UK …