In an extremely motivated mode again right now….Easter isn’t celebrated in China so I’ve been spending the weekend doing office housekeeping…laying out the desks, moving things around…and general strategizing…. Feel like its taken months and months of time, but I am so pumped becase I am blazing a path that was the dream I can think of since I remember. …
Got to Think Long Term
Reading a lot of articles today…between financial distasters and leaders getting shun…its got to be a much harder time for some compared to me – but I have put my money where my mouth is – building an international business in the face of a market crash is difficult – but believe this is a smart long term move – …
ok try number 2
DIdn’t expect so many people would call me out on that one – but hey…I sent the youtube video back to the manufacturer and she explained I’m supposed to cut the ends of the lemons off first… [youtube=] Hustling a lot lately….making things happen…after almost 3 months here I got my feel and know what I gotta do to take …
Brains, Gossip, & Survival
back in Shenzhen now for a few days….completely swamped with follow up meetings, phone calls, hundreds of emails…and I think i’m finally catching up now to post some on the blog here….wow its been intense! Here are some photos from the last couple days of my trip last week – bus station in Yong Kang… check out the guy sleeping …
Not letting things get in my way….One way Ticket to Shanghai
Not completely ready for my trip to Shanghai tomorrow….but can’t stop the hustle, the adrenaline going through my veins…its amazing how many people like to tell you things are impossible, or that it has to be done a certain way. Its almost more fun proving them wrong than even getting the task completed. had Melissa my assistant book the ticket, …
In life – it really comes down to the simple things….
I have been getting better at locating “hard to find” items in China…got the American knife and fork set, flat frying pan (can’t use that wok!), and other items…but the FOOD is where it gets interesting….I love breakfast, and I love that warm, soft, chewy bagel & cream cheese….. Makes me realize life is really about the small things we …
Get down and dirty – roll the sleeves up
Ok, Piotr and everyone else out there…I broke down and bought a desk and office chair…guess you’re right…my back is feeling much better…and I’m getting tons more work done! The after photo….have my financial programs installed, software setup, wifi, etc etc…no more excuses…have over 2 weeks of work waiting to get done! Transition almost complete…..I think?????????? Life is just one …
Getting my head back above water
wow, the past week has been one of the most extreme tests – emotionally, financially, and somewhat physically… 1 wasn’t so bad…it got bad once i had laptop issues, moving from hotel to hotel…finding less and less people that spoke english….and learning more and more this was going to be much harder than anticipated…..but… did find a place….and the first …
On My Way – Just Kissed Mom & Dad Goodbye
Currently at West Palm Beach International Airport – gonna spend a few days in Newark and then Sunday afternoon flying off to Hong Kong – straight into China that night, new years eve! Hey, always think forward, think ahead – and not only think but DO. Gotta keep pushing myself to adapt to new environments, new situations… they say, whatever …
If you have lost faith in yourself, you have the universe against you.
I like that quote…try to remember it when I am completely discouraged and overwhelmed….not sure who said it or if I am phrasing it correctly but.. “If you have lost faith in yourself, you have the universe against you.” And I have to live by this more then ever these days…I have to stand firm that I am making the …
motivational brainstorming
Back in Florida….flew in late last night – delay on the plane w/ air traffic and weather – but at least I got a free upgrade to first class…how do you say….bloody mary….at least a few of em. few weeks till China…..getting pumped….and yea…nervous… motivational high so the above notes are just raw output from my head, let me write …
Getting Used to The Non-Schedule Lifestyle
Still, after 8 months, I am still adjusting to the free lifestyle….where I’m always working but not really going to an office. Rundown of what the past few days have entailed: major backorder on a bar supply product that has about 30 customers waiting…our manufacturer is out of them until about another week….which was already 2 weeks behind…so had to …
But You’re Planting the Seeds, Not Eating Them.
Finally made our way out of Halifax this morning…after some speedbumps (no trucks avail at Uhaul…snowstorms…the usual) and Salem & I had some interesting conversations about all types of things….and of course I brought up the re-adjusting of my lifestyle from the corporate world to the entrepreneur startup world…and how I feel like I’m paying cash out all over the …
We are Products of our Environment.
Been meaning to read this book “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell for a couple years (my friend Laird gifted it to me), saw it on the bookshelf last week and read right through it last night…definitely highly recommended for anyone – good for both professional and personal growth. Below is a quick sentence I copied down and will try …
Discouraging Day….Many Negatives Landsliding
maybe i’m overworked? maybe overwhelmed? maybe just complaining….but man….started late sunday night with some bank issues – bloodsuckers always find new ways to hit you with fees… Just feel like I keep paying out…. One of my friends / contractors just dropped the ball with emails and phone calls, and for the past week seems like they’ve been piling up …