Reading some discussions, and one that caught my eye was “how did you get into your industry where you are today?” I answered it in the thread, but also want to expand on it more here. Since I can remember, I always wanted to have my own company, back in 2003 after graduating university and starting a new full …
Maybe I just need a vacation – am I a good businessman?
I always try to take criticism positively….even if someone tells me in a negative condescending matter. I think it helps a person grow and you have to keep your ears open even when you may not want to hear it. I have to add an image from the movie “Fallen Down” – I’m not that bad….YET! haha, but some days …
Time to Shine in 2010
Its been since christmas since blogging….no i haven’t forgotten about you guys….its more because ive been working day and night – and that is pretty boring to blog about. But i am getting more confident, more focused. I am sure 2010 will be a great year….all the time, years, invested both in time and in money, now is the time …
The World Needs Dreamers Who Perform
wondering if my uncle is giving me a hint a bout my being a dreamer …. and artist…. in some way…he just sent me this email DEAR MIKE, I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN THIS ARTICLE. PARTS OF IT, I BELIEVE COULD PERTAIN TO SOME WHO ARE NOT ARTISTS. ……. ((((rest deleted from this blog entry)))………. LOVE, UNCLE BILL …
Is it really that great to win the lottery?
Ya, sounds crazy right….but everyone must think how great it is to win the lottery, yet…have we considered the ramifications? Here are some reasons i would consider it more: If it were kept private – i think the feeling of winning the lottery must be one of the greatest in ones lifetime, but having it announced on the television has …
Fresh Week – Plan, Work Hard, Succeed
…I can talk to the internet and it never gets bored………..I was going to write this as an internal staff memo, but why not make it a blog entry to share with anyone who cares to read! A lot going on, so hope to get to the point and not bore everyone: I will first talk about our current projects …
Forrest Gump & Box of Chocolates
When i titled my blog “happiness in pursuit” i had the movie Forrest Gump behind it as well. Watched it countless times, and again just this past Sunday evening. Sure, its an old movie, and maybe there are tons of reviews existing, but this is my interpretation and critique of the movie. Follow destiny – Sure, he may not be …
More Motivated Then Ever Before
almost 2 years since moving to China. People ask me, Am I getting Tired of it? Am I getting worn out, losing motivation? I AM MORE MOTIVATED AND STRONGER WILL THEN EVER BEFORE Why? Because, I have been through the ups and downs. I have had: * government make me move my bed! , * have people claiming me for …
why cant we be the next donald trump?
I remember being a little boy, looking upwards at adults, wow, so tall, so smart, so experienced. My problem, is in some ways i treat myself still like that little boy looking up at the big boys, why? Sure, i am 28.5 years old now, is that young/old, smart/dumb, experienced/fresh – NO I am a big boy, and why cant …
sorry for slow reply uncle Bill
….this is why I keep a blog…I am a bad family member maybe…I am so out of touch with dad, mom, Jocelyn, Nana…..sorry Uncle Bill, I am so slow to respond the longer I stay in China, the harder for me to stay in touch with my family and friends in USA. Just the time zone, the startup of the …
Emotional IQ vs booksmart IQ
“Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings.” Salvador Dali I have always been a supporter of being street smart, or “hustle”, versus a person who knows what the book says. In life, I feel, so many times our specific situations are not found in books, and that is what makes life dynamic. I am not an expert, in no …
Book Review – Richard Branson Way
“A man who never made a mistake, never made anything” – Richard Branson. that quote inspires me! I relate to it in the fact that I am taking risks, many of which people think I am crazy to do. But I think to myself, I only live once, and if I make a mistake, then who cares, I learn, I …
Theme of this Blog – focus or not?
Some people tell me I should write more focused, industrial topics on this blog. But then….it won’t be my personal blog anymore! I think the theme of this site is clear, its about my pursuit through life. Lately, its been about what i’m involved with now: Motivation Business China Internet / SEO / Social Media Travels The reason people suggest …
Reflecting, maybe its my birthday coming
I think its because my birthday is coming, and that causes me to reflect on the past year, where i am going, what I want to be, and what is most important in my life. I definitely could not have predict the path my startup life would have taken me, here is a quick overview: ============= 2003 – (Mobatech) during …
Fresh Start, end of months of question marks
what a wild ride….from closing office, losing business (es), being hard nosed in negoitations I feel i’ve done what needed to be done and tried my best to keep my customers, investors/partners, and suppliers happy….. DBR Shenzhen will be a new company focusing on internet technology, SEO, and online marketing with representation in Finland and Shenzhen.. It is going to …