Sneaking in some internet action on my “Digital Detox” to share my amazing daughter’s first year birthday. The snow princess. Born on the coldest day EVER for Shenzhen, China last year – she truly is an ice queen 🙂 We are here in the middle of nowhere Guangdong province. One of those Ghost cities in China that the American news …
Hanging at the China Marketing Summit
Enjoyed an afternoon at the China Marketing Summit in Shenzhen, China. Speakers and networking were fantastic.
Shipped Our Kid Off To Hometown for Chinese New Year
Much quieter here in my morning writing session. Productivity will go up – but up, but missing the little dude already. We sent Miles up with his grandpa to my wife’s hometown for Chinese New Year. My wife wanted all of us to go, but between financial, business sense, and it is so COLD up there, we decided instead to …
2016 Year End Review
(testing combining a blog post and a video blog as 1 WordPress post, feedback appreciated!) Technically today is Jan 1, 2017 – while it is always confusing me to make separate blog posts about last year and one for the coming year – I’m gonna merge them up in my morning brain dump today. Quarter 1 2016 – Full Time …
Trip to the Shenzhen Zoo – Mike’s Blog 069
What a way to celebrate Christmas! Take the whole family out to the Shenzhen Safari Zoo – Lions, and Tigers, and Bears, oh my! And yes, this zoo has that and more!
How To Celebrate Christmas in China and Hong Kong – Mike’s Blog 068
Back in Hong Kong and just before Christmas holiday. Got to ask some friends in my business trip what people in Hong Kong and China do for this big holiday. Have you spent a Christmas in Hong Kong or China? Well – in Hong Kong it is celebrated, whereas if you’re in Mainland China it is like another day of …
Visiting a Buddy’s Factory in China – Mike’s Blog 067
My friend Wilson, met back in Startup Weekend China days in 2010/2011 timeframe and we’ve become good friends. He helped a lot organize a ton of those events, and has also helped me organize last year’s Cross Border Summit. All these years he has asked me to come visit him in his hometown in Chaozhou city – a couple hours …
Getting Social at Shenzhen Coworking Spaces
Been a hermit lately so this past Friday went around to some coworking spaces – 36KR and Simply Work, as well as a local shenzhen Marketing meetup. Made some new friends and had fun!
Coco Color Review + My Kid’s Leftie?! – Mike’s Blog 065
Today I found out my kid is a budding artist -we try out product review, and is Miles a Leftie like me?!?! Product Review – Coco Color Stylus Back in my video blog 28, we met Hugh Bell, an entrepreneur and friend of mine for a few years. He has been working passionately on this new product and I …
Stuck in China – Mike’s blog 064
So, been disappointed to see Casey Neistat has stopped his daily vlog! But I’ll keep this going – and its kinda boring now – I’m stuck without a passport in China as I renew my China visa for the next year. Hope it goes through without a problem!
Cross Border Business Trip in Hong Kong – Mike’s Blog 063
Taking a Cross Border Business Trip in Hong Kong Action Packed Friday in Hong Kong – The Global From Asia cross border trip – this time we did a full day covering how to do Chinese E-commerce from HK, and caught some of it on this video blog.
Mini China for Tencent’s Birthday Celebration – Mike’s Blog 062
Happy birthday Tencent (One of the biggest tech companies in China, and the world, parent company of Wechat and QQ) Wendy, Miles, Maggie, and I took a trip around the birthday celebration at a “Mini China” – aka Splendid China in Shenzhen, China.
Hong Kong talks Donald Trump as President – Mike’s Blog 061
Trump & Hong Kong Hong Kong reacts to Donald Trump, I walked around a bit between business meetings and get a few different perspectives, from locals and expats in Hong Kong.
Baby Halloween Party – Mike’s Blog 060
Busy way to end October – a house party full of babies for Halloween – at my place!
Keep It Simple: 1st DCx Hong Kong Event – Mike’s Blog 059
Helped host the first DCx Hong Kong event last week – keep things simple and get it done! Had fun in construction zones, rooftops, and cupcake making classes – then to wife’s birthday!