Just another day living in China. But I am not sure what email list I am on – but this just came in from the American Embassy. 12 mins ago Subject: Updated Travel Advisory From: americancitizensinchina @ state.gov The Department of State renewed its Travel Advisory for China on December 31, 2019. The Department continues to advise travelers to exercise …
How Long Will You Be Alive For?Put a Number on it!
I’m almost half dead! (Morbid I know but it motivates me to take action In life and try to make a difference) Life is short, and we need to make the most of it. I had Jasper on the team help make a cool little app to remind everyone (including myself) how long we have been alive for – but …
Journey from Thailand To North China – hot to cold (Video Blog Vlog)
Finally got another Mike’s Blog video out – as promised I won’t be as regular but still try to have certain videos of monumental events. And this one definitely was! We moved out of our Chiang Mai house (pawned a lot of stuff off on Wendy’s Chinese friends) and kept some in storage at the house (new tenant was awesome) …
See You in Bangkok? Sellers World + Affiliate World
See You At Affiliate World Asia and Sellers World Conference in BKK? I’m pretty pumped – the last big event of 2019 for me – and it is a 2 for 1 Affiliate World Asia (Wed/Thurs Dec 4-5), 2019 And Sellers World Conference (Friday Dec 6), 2019 Will be going as Global From Asia media partner and there to connect …
Family Moving to China in 2020
Making a Move Back To China in 2020 Planning 2020 and upon arrival to Chiang Mai after the trip to Taipei and Bangkok, the wife and kids pick me up at the airport. Load up my luggage in the trunk and hop in the passenger side. Wife leans in and kisses me, says she loves me, and gets teary eyed. …
Hosted a Panel on Ecommerce in Thailand @ Neat Entrepreneur Meetup
Hosting a Panel on Amazon FBA, Lazada, and Shopify Ecommerce Differences & Opportunities In today’s thumbnail photo – is co-founder, CEO of Neat HK – David Rosa with Mike Michelini from Mike’s Blog! What a week! After MOX mentoring in Taipei – headed straight down to Bangkok on FridaY Nov 22 to host a panel for the first Neat HK …
Leveling Up After 3 Weeks on the Road: Bangkok, Guangzhou, Hong Kong
Leveling Up After 3 Weeks on the Road: Bangkok, Guangzhou, Hong Kong Last full day of Hong Kong as I wrote up today’s journal entry. What an intense few weeks, here’s the quick TLDR summary: October 14 – 20: Bangkok, Thailand for DCBKK October 20 – 26: Guangzhou, China for Cross Border Summit October 26 – 31: Hong Kong SAR …
October 2019 Travel & Grind Agenda
Preparing For Another Half Month on the Road (Bangkok, Guangzhou, Hong Kong) Seems I am averaging being on the road every month or so. Will try to reduce that once October’s insane travel is over. Here’s the lineup: Monday Oct 14 – flying from Chiang Mai to Bangkok (actually didn’t realize it is a holiday on the 14th in Thailand, …
I have a fan!
On my quick and under the radar trip to Shenzhen, China (I”m not actively promoting my travel and updates on social media so much, only a bit for anyone who happens to read this blog) – I bumped Robert. We chatted for a few minutes, and he snapped a selfie. World travelers, we discussed quickly friends around the globe, and …
Plans for Rest of 2019
Plans For Next Six Months We are almost halfway through the year. It has been an intense one for sure, settling in to Thailand life, luckily got the visa sorted for the whole family. While my “wild travel adventures” have slowed down, they haven’t dropped to a halt. Using today’s blog to share the plans for the rest of 2019. …
Trip Plan: Hong Kong / Shenzhen / Guangzhou
Heading Back to the South China Insanity Just a quick update – been dealing with recovery from burning season a bit (still) in Chiang Mai but now all is good / it is over. Right now preparing for a wild trip for 5 intense days in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen. As it is easier to send my business colleagues …
Best Instagram Tools to Monetize Your Account
Expand your outreach thanks to these awesome tools The internet can seem like a humongous universe where one realizes that their success banks on ensuring through presence online on interactive social media platforms. Such a place can freak out internet marketers rather easily as they begin to feel like a speck in such a huge landscape. If you are getting …
Best Social Media Management Tools of the Year
If you are a frequent internet user, then it is inevitable that you are almost invariably going to end up building a few social media accounts. That simply is a testimony of the meteoric rise of social networking platforms across the globe. Everyone has a social media profile whether it is an organization, a professional or a hobbyist. As a …
Choosing a Decent Twitter Username
The username or handle is one’s identity on Twitter. You can sign up for Twitter by using your own name or its variation as a username provided that it has not already been taken by someone else. For instance, if your name is Jonathan Carter, you may go for a username such as @jonathancarter or @jonathan_carter.
Shenzhen / Hong Kong Travel Plan Aug 2018
Shenzhen/ Hong Kong Plan August 2018 Now, begins my planning for a monthly visit to China / Hong Kong! Being an open blogger – and hey – why not – I want to put out my schedule here to maximize my flight and travel time. Thursday Aug 23, 2018 Depart Chiang Mai 6am Arrive Hong Kong Airport about 11am Go …