Been a month already! I studied Chinese with tutors for the past month via the online platform italki as part of their June Language Challenge and here is my video proof … hopefully I’m a bit better… I wish I could study more and full time, but keep in mind this is while I’m doing my work at Unchained Apps, …
Announcing China Business Cast as Part of the Media Group
Excited to announce I have taken on another podcast – China Business Cast. This is a great podcast I was keeping up with since the beginning, started by JP and am honored to take the torch and continue the podcast forward. The show is introduced as: he goal of China Business Cast is to help entrepreneurs who want to learn …
Video: Why Did I Come to China?
I’m playing around with videos and thought I would make one with Miles again and share why I came to China in the first place. This is such a common question may as well share it with everyone and refer people to this video to get the story straight once and for all. I never thought I would live in …
Halfway Through 2015 Learning Chinese – Taking iTalki Language Challenge
I said earlier this year I would learn Chinese – and I’m doing good so far – but mostly been spending 30 minutes every morning learning the characters – not the spoken – so I am taking advantage of the italki Language challenge in June to do 12 hours of verbal training I have been enjoying characters and I made …
The Right Chinese Business Partners Help Sam Marks Sell His Company
This post originally was published on Forbes China in Chinese. I am publishing here the English version I made (and then had translated to Chinese) for those English readers and listeners interested. Finding the Right Chinese Business Partners Help Sam Marks Sell His Company for Over 100 Million Us Dollars Welcome everyone to episode 4 of the Forbes China Entrepreneur …
Featured in Shenzhen Daily News: “From Wall St to the New Silicon Valley”
Really appreciate that I have been blessed with awesome media coverage lately. I connected with Lawrence, Luo Songsong, the reporter from Shenzhen Daily newspaper who made the awesome write up – and he was intrigued with my story and my lifestyle! We had a couple great meetups while he put together this story that, when reading it from the newsstand …
Get A Job in China: Work With Us in Our Tech Startup
Excited to announce that we have a budget to accept applications for a new product manager position at the app portfolio company where I’m a partner – Gigabud Limited. This will be role where someone will get the chance to work with a lot of technology in a cross-border international team here in Shenzhen, China. I need help with managing …
Shenzhen Startup Community Launches “Startup Salad”
My startup friends have been asking me a lot of questions about events happening, and I wrote up today’s post to answer that. I’ve been involved with the startup community here since its early days, back in 2009 I attended a first “startup event” I would consider, called “Punch Party” hosted by Guang Yao in Kingdee. That meeting I met …
Launched a Wechat Official Page
As we are “de-thawing” from the long Chinese New Year, I have been busy setting up an official Wechat account for the blog and podcast. For those not familiar, Wechat is a chat app (and more) that has taken over the Chinese internet and mobile phone by storm. Funded by the massive Chinese internet company Tencent, it seems like an …
Happy Chinese New Year – Year of the Sheep (or Goat)
Just a quick “Happy Chinese New Year” from me and the family here in Shenzhen. Stayed local and just got work, sleep, and family time in. Last week was the official holiday week, and there are a couple more days with the “government official holiday” ending on the 24th – but most people still won’t be back in the office …
Guest Speaker at a Tencent Chinese New Year Party
While many of us in the Western world are well into the new year of 2015, in China we are still finishing up the end of this lunar calendar year and Chinese New Year will be at the end of February. So just like company parties for Christmas and New Years, companies in China have their celebrations at the end …
Had a lot of fun being interviewed on Limitless Laowai Podcast!
I’ve been hosting a podcast for over a year now, but have not had the chance to be on a podcast interview since JP had me on China Business Cast in late 2013, and on Terry Lin’s Build My Online Store episode 3. So this was a fun time to get on the other side of the microphone and get …
Video Tour of Huaqiangbei Electronics Market in Shenzhen, China
I’ve been experimenting and actually enjoying doing video “blogging” as I wonder in various areas in Shenzhen these days. The famous electronics market, Hua Qiang Bei, is one I cannot stop thinking about to get into the video series. I know some prefer to read my text instead of watching a video (I used to be like that with my …
Buying from Hong Kong into Mainland China for Family – Mike’s new life (Video)
Trying out this video blogging, been blogging on since 2007 and think now I gotta step it up and talk on video! Here I discuss how I am regularly going to Hong Kong from Shenzhen, China to do business, but have my family asking me to carry back certain goods – a bit more extreme than the father in …
iPaper Magazine He came from NY, now a SZ IT Entrepreneur
Recently I had some Chinese journalists visit me to see how my daily life and work was – it’s part of their website model to take business people, and document how they lives their business and personal lives. It was published a few hours ago in China, in Chinese only, and I thought I would do a Google translate, clean …