“Back at it” as expected in Shenzhen, China doing more meetups and workshops. This time, it was a private workshop with about 20 sellers for the BBG aggregator. Up in the “seller capital” of Shenzhen, in the Banian district, we discussed:
“Zero to Hero: Using content and traffic generation for your ecommerce business”.
This is a topic I have done a few times now both online and offline, but this was highly customized for e-commerce and Amazon FBA sellers, as well as for the current time of November 2021.
And we did it on Black Friday, November 26, 2021, which was a monumental time for sellers of course.
From 2pm to 6pm, with my session translated in real time to Chinese by Rex, an amazing guy at BBG. He not only translated, but added value and examples to it.

Here are some main points:
- Understand WHY you are making this content by knowing your customer and your market. Started a new saying that goes, “if you follow your competitor, you will always be number 2. If you follow your customer, this is when you can truly be number 1 in your market.”
- Have a schedule and a plan before you start.
- Balance education and sales content. For sales content, use landing pages and measure as much as possible.
We went a lot into landing pages for free (organic) and paid traffic. The hot topic is Tiktok and KOLs. So we discussed this and essentially, everything is a traffic CHANNEL, and you can measure them as such with landing pages, pixels, email capture if possible, attribution, and coupons.
And remember:
If you’re interested in having me do a workshop or training, online or offline, for your business – check out MichaelMichelini.com/speaking today!