The longer I do business the more I realize I just have to accept that I will travel always, and instead of being like the majority of people here – I will have to learn how to work on the road. I am typing this today on my bluetooth keyboard, in the middle seat of a high speed train from …
Connecting Major USA All Recipes to a Chinese Ecommerce Startup
Allrecipes has arrived to China! I have been talking to Dennis from all recipes for a few months now, about coming to China and learning the market more. They do have domain, but have not yet invested in opening a company or an office in China, currently have one Chinese staff residing in America, Joyce, working on the content, …
Startup tuesday going well…even with me away on the road!
Really excited to post today….earlier this week Startup Tuesday went along smoothly even without me stressing out and pushing people!! I was in hong kong airport picking up Doug to visit china for the first time and couldnt be at the meeting….Rachel and Henry and Bruce stepped up to hold things down while I was away. Feel so happy and …
Mobile phone revolution is here, my newest equipment
Truly amazing…typing this full blog post from my new android bluetooth keyboard on my way between offices. My latest battlegear: Samsung galaxy note mobile phone – bought a couple weeks ago for 5,300hkd (about $700usd) with a 1 year contract at china mobile hong kong (monthly phone bill is 68 hk dollars a month for unlimited Edge data planin hong …
Monumental Week Last Week…Sunday night Recap
I am so freaking excited! Last week almost destroyed me…physically, emotionally….and on some nights financially…but I made some new connections, lost maybe one or two (can’t keep everyone happy) and have made some solid moves to ensure this year is a rock solid one! I normally would writeup a separate post for each of these…but so exhausted last week I …
USA is making me focus, and realize –> I belong in Asia, feeling…guilty
Coming back to America always is a reflecting point for me, meeting my friends and family, seeing where they are in their life, their goals, dreams ….and of course they always ask me “what is it you do, exactly”? And I have been lectured to, as a friend, to get a focus… some read this blog (Ken!), and they do …
in Hong Kong, Last Minute Scramble for USA Trip Plans
Again blogging on my mac air from a bus in hong kong….I guess it is pretty amazing I can type as I have a screaming cantonese women yelling in the phone behind me, crying baby in front of me, and a fat old guy with his setback pushed back up against this laptop screen….but ***** testing your limits is key…and …
Chinese Relationship Building Weekend, Waterpark + Hiking
Typing this sunday afternoon, waiting for the bus from dongguan to shenzhen….what a long and perspective-building weekend! Started on Friday night, rushing to catch last bus to da lang district of dongguan from Longgan district of Shenzhen. Been getting better at traveling in China alone, but when I’m in these massive bus terminal networks it gets overwhelming. Luckily I figured …
American Friend Selling NYC Real Estate to Hong Kong + Asia
End of last week I took a trip to Hong Kong and Macau to be “tour guide” for my college buddy Ish. I have done this in the past for friends from America visiting, like Hasan coming to HK from Pakistan travels and I really am excited to be able to meet my American buddies here on the other side …
The Aftermath After Vacation While Running Your Own Business
Really did my best to de-stress…but the emails and “wired” self that I am I couldn’t help but try to reply to urgent emails and monitor emails as they flowed in. Being an open, social media, blogger dude, I would openly tell people I’m trying to take a vacation. Most of the time people would understand…but I have a feeling …
A Real Vacation, Trip to Boracay, But a Struggle To Get There + Back!
I believe everyone realizes I am past due on a vacation…and finally I got one, whether I wanted it or not! Spent the whole day saturday traveling from Puerto Galera to Boracay, just for the record: Full day of traveling on Saturday: 6:30am wake up in Muelle pier, Puerto Galera. Boat leaves ON time 7am, but not a direct boat, …
Social Media Lets You Trust Strangers Renting Your Room
After startup monday yesterday, met Stephen Chung from wimdu room sharing which is a startup from Rocket Internet (part of the Groupon Europe clone Citydeal that was later bought out by Groupon and heads their international expansion). Stephen is a cool guy from Korea, here in Hong Kong to market and expand the amount of hosts (available rooms to rent) …
Reasons to go Couchsurfing this Summer
I’m all about the new movement in life, flexible workspace, couchsurfing, community, social media, minimalist. I don’t think I am crazy, I just think I am maybe a more early adopter. I have stated I’m fully embracing couchsurfing And What is it to OWN an office? To own full time workers in a full time office? Or hotel renting in …
Happy Easter from Hong Kong, then Guangzhou
Writing this Saturday evening (Holy Saturday) in my small apartment in Hong Kong. Making it an early night, and a relaxing night…I’ll be waking up around 7am tomorrow, Easter Sunday, and heading up to Shenzhen Bay border from Tin Hau CTS bus to meet up my friend Brent. I’ll catch a ride with him to the Canton Fair in Guangzhou. …
Feel More Equipped, More Professional Then Ever
maybe its my turning 30, the fact that i have made commitments to my career and basic geographical location…and getting used to being in the constant moving….I am constantly having an internal battle about why I am traveling so much….its exhausting, but I think its important to what I’m trying to do….bridge cultures and connect people. Its the life I …