This will be a longer than usual video blog. Truly insane and intense back to back to back events, business development, and growth of teams and people and skillsets.
Let me run down some of the highlights of this massive breakthrough return trip to Shenzhen, China from May 27 to June 5, 2024.
Arriving – straight into logistics learning and transition at Easy China Warehouse. So we are investing in a logistics service provider – Easy China Warehouse – for strategic reasons and it is a solid business Brian and his team have built up since 2018. It is not just a warehouse, but a full logistics operation for receiving goods, shipping D2C (direct to consumer) around the globe or B2B (to Amazon or other 3PL warehouses around the world). You can check it out at

So first few days intense learning about logistics and working with Justin the new CEO, learning from Brian, and getting to know the team and operations.
MEETUP – Then – if you know me – we gotta do a meetup. So we put together a Thursday night meetup for Global From Asia ecommerce enthusiasts to come together, network. On top of that – Brian, Justin, and I came up on the stage area on second floor of Brass House bar to share on the logistics merger and tips for logistics on Amazon FBA sellers in general. Will be an upcoming Global From Asia podcast so stay tuned.
BEFORE the meetup, we arranged a mastermind – invite only about 8 experienced sellers to a private conference room near the meetup location. We went around the room – shared insights and strategies. What is working and what is not. Informative as always just hearing that you are not alone and there are others in your shoes.

That night was intense! Jam packed session of networking – some even on their first trip to China visiting factories (shout out to Kasper and Kasper sourcing!) and meeting some newsletter and podcast subscribers of Global From Asia.
Friday went into Business development mode. Meeting a few strategic companies for collaborations for Hamza/ Loadpipe go-live – supply chain and ecommerce tech. Will share more once we confirm and things go live.

Saturday was blockchain day. Had dim sum with an advisor and OG crypto investor and he was proud to see the development we are making with Hamza and Loadpipe – had met him earlier in April 2023 when things were much more early stage. Showing him the forming demo, the full product team and growing BD team – the pitch deck, and more. He was very amazed and happy to see I kept pushing this idea ahead to reality.

Saturday afternoon was an Offchain meetup that Loadpipe sponsored. We had Rose in our network accompany me as an interpreter, and share about the future of ecommerce on the blockchain. Also met some old and new faces – especially in Mainland China it is good to know there is still a torch behind held for blockchain and crypto in the marketplace.
That was an action-packed Saturday where I ended it hanging w/ my buddy Dave Ho at his place and getting some rest and relaxation in.
Sunday back at it – off to a lunch with Wilson Blue, Kawai, and Nik – the OG (original gangster) organizers of Startup Weekend in Shenzhen and China overall. We had a nice lunch (thanks Wilson for treating us!) and really hard to believe that it all started 12-13 years ago (around 2011/2012 time) – made a dedicated blog post on that 2024 Startup Weekend 2024 reunion.

Sunday evening met Chris and Cindy from FBA4U at their place (getting a haircut in between) where we had always a nice catch up on Amazon FBA, ecommerce, trade, various business. Already has a date for FBA4U meetup and talking about collaboration and cross promotion for Cross Border Summit as well as more insights.
It was a late night walk and sightseeing at Oh Bay, and they invited me to stay in their guest room Sunday night.
Monday morning ,back at it in Easy China Warehouse – taking a taxi in the rainstorm and then full days of wrapping up the logistics learning and training. Of course various business calls and work. Also group photos and new profile photos for the ECW website, and team building in general.
Tuesday night the going away dinner with Easy China Warehouse management, making things happen.