What is Mike Michelini Up To Now – June 9 – 15, 2024

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to Now – June 9 – 15, 2024

Listen as audio here [1.5 minutes long] (or scroll down for text)

GM Vietnam! Here in Ho Chi Minh City after an intense few days of Vietnam Blockchain Week. Fully convinced our Loadpipe & Hamza initiatives need to be here – developers and users are here.

What is up this week:
* Dragon Boat Festival in China – China closed Monday. Adjusting to having more China operations with Easy China Warehouse investment.
* Followup meetings in Ho Chi Minh City today – a few followups and meetups more about Vietnam expansion. Developers and BD.
* Hanoi tomorrow afternoon – more developers there. Also speaking about Branding 101 and Ecommerce sessions, so much engagement.
* EthCC is coming – Brussels – July 4 – 15, team pushing hard on demo and we are arranging to make most of the trip.
* One of our brands Akitai we are partnering up with a brand manager, excited for this.

For those who want to see how they can get involved and help, here are some ideas!

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