Had a bit trouble sleeping last night – so many ideas. So much growth. Just holding on as best I can but this is the vision, this is the dream since 2007 or even earlier.
What is the plan – make amazing things happen. Working triple as hard as ever, 43 years old and woke up in the night – to journal.
Here’s a snippet of that journal:

So time for another hyper business development trip – 3 weeks on the road:

China trip – Monday, May 27 – Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Supplier relations for the Loadpipe protocol and the first marketplace, Hamza. Have some deals pending and anyone who does business in China knows – nothing can replace face to face. So look forward to solidifying the workflow on these suppliers for the launch of Hamza decentralized ecommerce marketplace.
Also, Easy China Warehouse has been getting busy, meet our partner and CEO/GM Justin during this transition and migration.
And of course, business development in general, planning meetings, and a meetup.
Vietnam: Part 1 – Saigon June 5 – 10, 2024
Main reason – the biggest blockchain event in Vietnam happening, gmvietnam.io on June 7-8. Also, we are zeroing in on Vietnam being one of our main markets – both for the buy side of the marketplace as well as development office and expansion.
Vietnam: Part 2 – Hanoi – June 11 – June 14, 2024
Back to Hanoi, after a recent visit to the Handshake Hackathon. During the Hong Kong trip met some developers and dev operations there and feel this city may be a strategic city for the development operations (where the Saigon city is more for the sales and business development). This is my hunch and will visit both cities as we are narrowing in on expanding in Vietnam.
June 14 – back home in Chiang Mai, Thailand for Father’s Day weekend
And the reason the Hanoi trip is a bit shorter – gotta make it back for Father’s Day with the fam. Will be hard 3 weeks on the road away from the fam.
But this will be a leveling up experience for sure.
The vision when leaving Wall Street in 2007 is becoming more real.