So made it back to Chiang Mai, Thailand – took over 48 hours end to end to travel from Shenzhen, China to Chiang Mai, Thailand – pre-covid would have been about 6 to 8 hour travel time.

But it is what it is – I am recovering from days of travel with a family – and we are here. Kids are refreshed and happy. Wendy is excited and jumping in Facebook buy/sell groups, and we are pushing ahead.

Some of the short list of things to do:
- Get our car back – our friend, Tok, has been holding our car for us since we left in December 2019! It was rented out a few times to Chinese mommies, but the last year or so mostly dormant. Hope it works well. Wendy also needs to renew her driver’s license at the Thailand DMV.
- Get our various belongings in storage and friends’ houses – we have various products we put in storage, like at least a couple carloads full, to get out.
- First find a place to live – we are still in hotels / friend’s house (Don), and now moving to an airbnb. But doesn’t make sense to move all our stuff into an airbnb (carloads of stuff)
- Figure out kid’s schooling – we’re using some GFAkids online learning, but need to make a more formal learning program. Want to do it with Jon (he home schools his kids) – but he is still in Shenzhen renewing passports.
The idea is – 1 year plan – and then longer term plan. Probably develop things slowly in the first year while we build out the GFA village and ecosystem.
Just piecing all the parts together again. We had no idea it would be 2.5 years away from Thailand when we left at the end of December 2019!
And of course – all the work going on – still needs to go on!
But feeling refreshed.