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Oman Trip To Speak on Decentralized Domains & Community

In blog, Events, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

First time to Oman or anywhere in the Middle East for that matter (not counting a layover in Dubai airport!) Have to say, this was not what I was expecting! Right on the Gulf, beautiful beaches, high-end hotels, malls, and shops. Yet I can imagine not the entire country is on the beach with high-end hotels and malls, but still …

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Won Top Prize at Web3 Spring Ideaton

In blog, Events, News by Michael Michelini

Been quiet lately on socials, just building and creating for the Loadpipe web3 ecommerce ecosystem – but felt it would be good to get out and network a bit so joined the pitch event at Spoke about the “Next Blue Ocean: Blockchain Ecommerce” and how Loadpipe and our first ecommerce marketplace on it, Hamza, will open the floodgates for a …

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Quick Taipei Trip For Handshake

In blog, Events, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

On the road again, as I stamped out of Thai customs I realized I hadn’t left since October 2023! Half of me wanted to stay – saying goodbye to 8 and 9 year old children is really hard – every day with them is precious. Yet I am back on the road- this time typing up in Taipei, Taiwan for …

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2024: The Year Of Letting Go & Empowering

In blog, Events, motivation by Michael Michelini

The screenshot in today’s blog choked me up. For years (I’d say since 2020 covid lockdown) been actively working to take our Shadstone agency and build leaders and managers that can grow and operate without my “pushing”. Our team members are code named “ninjas” – yes Shadstone ninjas. There is a whole story about it and even made custom hoodies …

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Elephant Sanctuary Group Trip & Experience

In blog, Events, vlog by Michael Michelini

Wrapping up the Cross Border Summit 2023 a few high level speakers and guests joined us for a Sunday morning trip to the Elephant sanctuary. Bright and early at 630am we met at the hotel lobby to take a 1 hour drive up into the mountains of Chiang Mai. Arriving approximately 8am, a welcome speech from the elephant sanctuary manager. …

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Pressure and Anxiety: 1 week Til Cross Border Summit 2023

In blog, business, Events, vlog by Michael Michelini

The last few months have been learning a lot about myself – from the list of conferences I’ve attended and spoken at, to the build-up for the “open border, new beginnings” Cross Border Summit organizing – even at 42 years old I am learning about myself. In today’s vlog, I bring you with me to our “at least monthly” e-commerce …

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DCBKK 2023 Bangkok, Lifestyle Business Owner Conference

In blog, business, Events, vlog by Michael Michelini

Well now I feel completely “back” since covid – making a return trip to DCBKK (Dynamite Circle Bangkok) since 2019’s. They had one last year in 2022 but I missed as I was just “recovering” from getting out of China. As always, the event didn’t disappoint – arriving on Wednesday Oct 18 and intense meetups, workshops, and just informal mastermind …

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Quick Copenhagen Business Trip

In blog, Events, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

Wrapped up the speech and networking at HCPP in Prague, and back on the move. A couple days to squeeze in a quick trip to Copenhagen, Denmark. Why? For our new loadpipe ecommerce protocol, want to get some face time with a few of the people in the growing team. Rented a space at Rebel Coworking Space and dove deep …

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Traveling to Prague, in the Midst of a Transition

In blog, Events, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

On the road again. My late Uncle Bill always felt that when he read my blog and my travels, rest in peace Uncle Bill. Leaving the wife and kids (again) as the theme of “getting back on the road and business development” trend I set a couple months ago continues. This time it is Chiang Mai to Bangkok to Vienna, …

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Nomad Capitalist Live in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

In blog, Events, travel, vlog by Michael Michelini

Again, more networking going. Andrew Henderson started up Nomad Capitalist blog the same year as Global From Asia – 2013! Ten years later and he has really carved out an amazing community and content asset. Felt it was a good chance to meet all these “nomad capitalists” and join my first trip to a Nomad Capitalist Live event – here …