What is Mike Michelini Up To Now – June 2 – 8, 2024

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to Now – June 2 – 8, 2024

Listen as audio here [2 minutes long] (or scroll down for text)

What a wild week last week, changing hotels almost every night, logistics, meetups for ecomm, meetups for blockchain, BD meetings with suppliers and IT companies. But that is how you level up, push your boundaries (though I am catching a cold)

What is up this week:
* Few more days in Shenzhen, China – working on logistics at Easy China Warehouse, and a few last BD meetings before leaving Wednesday mid-day.
* Hoch Chi Minh Vietnam Wednesday til next Monday – speaking at Amazon office Friday morning.
* GMVietnam blockchain conference – Going to what they say is the biggest blockchain event in Vietnam – GM Vietnam, and even met people in China going!
* Followups on successful meetings in China and online.
* EthCC Europe trip in July – Preparing – Loadpipe team working super hard to get an amazing demo ready.

For those who want to see how they can get involved and help, here are some ideas!

Meetup in Saigon?
GMVietnam conference?
Early users of Hamza.biz
Hanoi week after, meetup June 13 learn more



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