What is Mike Michelini Up To Now – April 9 – 15, 2023

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to Now – April 9 – 15, 2023

Listen as audio here [1.25 minutes long] (or scroll down for text)

Years are flying by (almost typed 2022) – and we at Shadstone are building and creating at a parabolic pace. After these last and upcoming few weeks – there is going to be an avalanche of even more creation and opportunity.

Happy Easter Sunday, still doing my Sunday morning week plan, and trying to rest and recover from an intense week in Tokyo, Japan (with a touch of touch of Taipei, Taiwan) having returned to Chiang Mai just yesterday morning. You could imagine it has been hard to keep up with “maker work” with a 2 full day conference and intense travel and networking happening – also some strange google doc sync issues I’m dealing with – but “management mode” is in hyper activity.

From Japan, we have a lot to digest. Do we take any/all of our brands and JVs there? Seems Akitai and Andres are most suitable, but need to do more research and analysis – and report back to the team. Also a ton more ideas on just Amazon and ecommerce and BD strategy in general.

Back from Japan, next is back to China – Canton Fair trade show season. 99% sure my current visa is not valid (have 2 China visas with expiration dates still active, but for various complex reasons both seem cancelled), so working on the Visa and then the Canton Fair trip tour group we are hosting with Amazon Global Selling team in Singapore.

Short list:
* Post Japan BD/analysis – lots of notes, business connections to followup on.
* Canton Fair / China trip prepare – may go as early as next week.
* New Amazon account manager – Glad to welcome new people to our Amazon account management team this week.
* Finance team continued optimizing
* HNS halving, ordinals, auctions.

For those who want to hear the full week plan for Shadstone Limited, Mike’s company (removing sensitive info) – here it is:

Week Plan April 9 – 15, 2023 Shadstone Limited

Back from an intense week of travel mainly in Japan but 2 days in taiwan too. Trying to do my “job” and bring more opportunities to our team and partners. Believe that will come back in spades after all has been processed.

Welcome Nikko to the team on our Amazon account management. Much needed, and we will be doubling down on optimizing and growing the brands. So much to do, so much to learn, so much to grow.

Honestly I am still exhausted – but here is a short list:

Japan analysis – so much information and connections to digest. Find if any of our current products fit the Japanese market, discuss with various service providers there and prepare launch.

China Canton Fair – need to prepare for the trip w/ Amazon Global Selling Singapore community. Most likely I’ll have to go earlier.

Amazon account team – need to further scale up, train, organize our account management team.

Finance – as you’ve seen on the week plan for months, need to still further develop and improve our financial workflows across all these amazing products and investments.

Flamingo/HNS – Ordinals, next auction, HNS rings, halving party, a lot to discuss.

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