Upgraded The Chinese Blog For China Business Development

In blog, business by Michael Michelini3 Comments

Upgraded The Chinese Blog & Chinese Business Development

As a lover of blogging and content, I am proud to say the Chinese blog has gone through a much needed upgrade and refresh.

The domain is my Chinese name – Mai Li Ni 迈理倪 – and it is the pinyin version – https://www.mailini.com for you to check out if you so desire.

Before the upgrade over the weekend it had SSL and not-mobile friendly pages – now we are about back up to 2019 standards and I hope it can grow in the Baidu search.

Luckily we still get Baidu traffic (even though I could never get an ICP license and host a personal blog in China – foreigners aren’t allowed to have culture blogs in China from my understanding)

The other exciting part about the blog is – it is NOT on wordpress. I used my buddy Leon’s wp2static plugin (which I’ve been closely involved with over the years and excited to be using it more and more) – I did a writeup about it here – https://mikesblog.com/directory/wp2static/

While static sites are great anywhere on the web (more secure, less maintenance) – I feel especially happy to have the Chinese blog on static.

It is just more like a sacrificial lamb – if the site gets block in China, or somehow the domain blocked, I can simply re-generate the static html files and put somewhere else. It is simply uploading html files to any server.

So the concept of blocking is harder – as can simply pop up the site in a few minutes on any simple server and it is back online. Sure the domain may be blocked (but normally it is the IP that is blocked, not the domain) – but could forward it for those outside of China to find the new domain, or could just be the “water” instead of the endpoint and be a keyword people would search for and can find.

Rambling a bit here, but basically feel good that I have the wordpress version of my Chinese blog secure and hidden away and spinning out static versions in html of the Chinese blog for long term stability.

And I can simply open up the Chinese blog when in business meetings in China and show them family photos, etc. A true business card that will speak for itself to do my ongoing business development in Mainland China,.

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  1. What kind of business are you doing in China Mike?

    1. Author

      speaking at cross border ecommerce events
      doing workshops on ecommerce and marketing
      promoting next month’s crossbordersummit.com/china conference we are doing
      potentially buying some amazon fba companies.
      busienss development

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