For the past few months, Miles and Maggie have been attending a Sunday afternoon painting class – and the artwork they bring back is top notch! They make them for various family members, mom, dad, grandma, etc.
Now that some may be shipped to China – I frantically thought – we need to digitally scan these! And if we are doing that, why not create an NFT collection.
The kids and I sat together and created the:
I Love Mommy NFT Collection

If you want to learn how I made it – I have a tutorial on our web3 learning blog, Skyinclude here on making a 1/1 NFT collection on Stargaze.
It is a 1/1 collection on the Stargaze blockchain, and we plan to add more artwork to the collection as more is painted.
You can filter by artist (Miles or Maggie), and by who they made it for (family member).
And this will live on chain, even though some of the physical prints will be shipping to China and other places – we have this collection all together.
Check it out today!
Check the NFT Marketplace (Stargaze) – Click here