Back in hyper Hong Kong! 550am departure from Chiang Mai, Thailand – arriving a bit over 9am local Hong Kong time – but super smooth immigration, Airport express, and short taxi ride right into the mayhem of Bitcoin Asia.

Started the trip with Forked, a founder’s networking and VC speed dating full day event. And wow, – talk about hitting the floor running. Left my larger bag at the registration desk and immediately am submerged into two floors of intense networking and some speakers in the back.
Split This Into 3 Blogs!!
Ordinals Asia Hong Kong Event Recap
Bitcoin Asia Hong Kong Event Recap
Forked Event Hong Kong: VC / Startup Matchmaking
It was so intense, but what was really exciting was meeting old “OG” startup friends like Casey Lau, Gene Soo, Jeff Broer, Hugh Bell – and many more – from the 2009 – 2011 BootHK coworking days. To be frank, those early days were really something and will always be a treasure in my memory.

After lunch they had VC speed dating, and I lined up to take part – with various materials and Loadpipe powerpoint – to show the Amazon of web3 that is coming. Have to say was a bit frustrated standing in a line of 10+ founders ahead of me, but grabbed an oat milk and stuck in the queue.

Met a couple VC and showed a wide range of powerpoint decks, Figma diagrams, testnet, new UI mock ups, and more. Maybe it was just the adrenaline from lack of sleep but the feedback was well received and have some nice followups. Win!

Just so many connections in Hong Kong – and it feels like the place for our cross-border ecommerce blockchain protocol – plus it is my old stomping grounds as well.
Already an amazing ROI and only in town for 12 hours!
Next day was Bitcoin Asia, the main event – at the old airport of Hong Kong. Pretty far removed from downtown – got some morning work done and then grabbed a famous red HK taxi to the main event. Got snagged into Runes Asia by mistake but re-routed from new friends to the official Bitcoin Asia event.

Massive amount of booths. Majority Mainland Chinese – miners and tech companies. Really feel like Chinese love mining and love Bitcoin. It is almost palpable the feeling of their interest in it.

Typing this up as I prepare for Day 2 – and also Ordinals Asia on Saturday. Left Sunday open for some followups and lunch meeting – then back to Chiang Mai for Mother’s Day dinner with the wife and kids.
Can imagine this is a new commute between Hong Kong and Thailand. Gathered a lot of feedback many are between these 2 places – and the future seems bright.