Pitching Hamza decom marketplace at web3 ICP startup day

Pitching Hamza decom marketplace at web3 ICP startup day

In blog, e-commerce, Events, vlog by Michael Michelini

Starting the journey of going live on our 1+ year of building a decom (decentralized ecommerce) marketplace – called Hamza.

Was invited to pitch at an offchain ICP startup event on Thursday August 15, 2024 at the Yellow Coworking space in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Gotta get yourself out there and have fun with it! Like we said in the last vlog – if you aren’t embarassed by the first version of your product you waited too long.

And so I was up first on the night and took our “Thai Sniffer” product to showcase. Couldn’t do a live demo based on the equipment setup so made screenshots and put together a powerpoint just before the start.

Keeping it simple – not some complex buzzword NFT/defi/swap/token/exchange/cross-chain/etc etc – it is simply providing real world use case of buying and selling physical products using web3 technology and cryptocurrency.

Forging ahead – collecting feedback. People came up after saying it is very clear and they are excited to use their crypto to have real world use as buying products.

This must be done, and while it is early stage and high risk – this is what we need to do.

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