Learn Management in the form of a Story – book review of The Goal book
I was expecting to read another management book broken up by non-fiction style topics and how-to format. I was pleasantly surprised when it read like a novel. Real characters, and not just office characters – but wife, kids, parents, the whole set.
I was recommended this book as I enjoyed Work The System and Traction and want to continue to improve my team management skills. It confused me at first as it is written about mass production and manufacturing, so I have to be a bit more creative here and think of it towards soft skills and internet marketing.
Biggest takeaway – look at your whole operation and think of it in terms of bottlenecks. Where is your company slowest and backed up the most. Then reverse engineer that and continue to reduce bottlenecks.
One that I was somewhat already aware of but was highlighted was the fact that we don’t always need to be working / producing. That having every person and part of the business working, this seems like productivity but in fact when tasks come up that are urgent it slows down the “machine” (in the book it is manufacturing but can be any part of a repeatable process).
I’d recommend this book to anyone who has already gone through some of the SOP thought processes and books and wants to read a story-like book that helps you in optimizing your workflow for your company.
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Hi there, you’ve done a fantastic job. I’ll certainly dig it and personally, suggest to my friends. Mike’s blog is a great resource to learning about books and getting reviews on the books. I am happy my boss let me comment on your blog to promote our site – but then I decided to promote yours instead, thank you so much!
The book – The Goal – is a must read for all business owners.
thank you Mike.