Can you believe we are almost halfway through the year 2020?
Still feel it is January and preparing to fly to Philippines for a few months. Sitting in the same desk and chair in my aunt-in-law’s spare bedroom that is a makeshift home office, the same spot I booked a flight to Manila in January.
But we are approaching mid-May – and almost halfway through the year.
Like one of those long dreams where you wake up and wonder “did that really happen or was I dreaming”.
Seems this really is not a dream (or nightmare) and we need to make longer term plans. Living in the aunt in laws and mother in laws for the rest of the year – yup- not happening.
So looking to rent an apartment for the next 6 months – basically for the rest of 2020. Our idea is things will not be back to “normal” the rest of the year, and we won’t be able to get back to Thailand. Even if we could – we don’t think the schools will re-open and that is the whole reason we went there in the first place.
Apartments and cost of living is very reasonable here – as it is not a “first tier city” of China where everyone is raging to move to. Can rent a two bedroom place for about 2,500 RMB a month and there are plenty of options.

One thing is – we want to stay in the same “complex / garden” as Wendy’s family – so in case another wave / outbreak of the virus comes and things go into lockdown – we can still travel between each of our apartments. That is something I think will continue to be in demand – mini communities inside apartment complex communities. Not just living in the same city with your friends and family anymore – but living in the same apartment compound. And these compounds being more like villages with a complete medical and educational offering.
So many other ideas for the “new normal” in a post COVID life, but today I will say, these community hubs will be in demand. Friends and family will want to live even closer to each other.