Refreshed and Ready To Finish 2021!

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to Now – Nov 14 – 20, 2021

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What is Mike Michelini Up To – Nov 14 – 20, 2021

Back and refreshed. Hope to keep this refreshed feeling but already overloaded with amazing creative projects.

The short list:
* NowShenzhen version “1.5” hope to put online this week
* GFA + Blimp Method prep for 2022 (a new ecommerce business model)
* Indigitus more chipping away at the final product.
* Building, creating, and loving it. Refreshed.

For those who want to hear the full week plan for Shadstone Limited, Mike’s company (removing sensitive info) – here it is:

Week Plan Nov 14 – 20, 2021 Shadstone Limited

Feels good to be back! ;-). Was really weird to be in the mountains last Sunday morning and not doing this morning week plan writing session. As some of you expected, so many new ideas lol. But also a much needed re-fresh of the brain. You can read it if curious at

So proud of our amazing team – really things went along smoothly. Our SEO manager also commented that she was amazed at how things went even without the “boss” (I am not a boss, come on, hahah) around to check on things. And many of you have told me you enjoy working with each other which is music to my ears.

It is also approaching the end of the year, and reflecting on this year and thinking about the next. This year for sure was a lot of team restructuring – many of you can recall a bit of turnover earlier in 2020, some new faces and some old faces coming and going.

Truly believe we have a rock solid FOUNDATION of people to build on. There is 1 role we are still looking to replace which is bookkeeping – and BUDGETS and financial planning – as that is a hole we need to fill. Hope this coming week we do some final interviews (our HR manager has been doing great filtering candidates over the last weeks).

And of course – PROJECTS / investments. Some highlights :

NowShenzhen is a massive site as we have mentioned, bigger than Global From Asia in my opinion, and we are so close to deploying months of re-working content and layouts this coming week. Was hoping to do over the weekend but may need to wait til early this week. Dave, our partner, is back in Shenzhen, and we have been moving along faster.

GFA – I am so happy the team still was able to host the member call / studio launch event, and collected a lot of feedback. Really want to implement the GFAVIP members hosting select future podcasts – and try to get back to weekly if we can coordinate it. Just really happy more of our team and the membership are able to bridge communication and coordination without my needing to be in the middle.

Also for GFA in 2022 – some of you heard about a name of a course I thought of during the mountain temple trip, Blimp Method – and look forward to using that new course and program as a key “content” piece in the GFA content and community (as I believe we need some “meat” to use as a centerpiece for the community)

Indigitus – a major cause of my needing a week in the mountains, ah! Our growing and talented product and engineering team has made me promise to keep updates under wraps, but great progress was made while I was away and it is always that final 3-5% of a product that is the most challenging. Cannot wait to launch this and really change the world.

SEO projects and joint ventures – amazing progress. Our SEO manager again motivating me in a Slack channel showing target keywords for a new client going from off the map to coming up in the rankings. Love what we do!

Sorry probably even more projects and creative things we are working on that I am not mentioning – but the ones above are really making top of mind for us here and hope to make more amazing progress this coming week.

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