Still catching up on rest from an intense 3 day conference this past Sept 22-24, 2021. I am proud to say I was one of the MC hosts and organizers of the first ever dedicated Handshake (HNS) track at NamesCon. We were able to put together speakers and sponsors for 2 days of 4 hours of content plus a third day for the Flamingo Handshake auction.
We had a nice mention on DNJournal here which is amazing.

Just still in awe that I was up on the stage with top domain experts whose blogs and videos I have been consuming for years. I feel it is my duty as a Handshake community member to help represent HNS and bridge it closer to the domain ecosystem.

This is the amazing speaker lineup:
Day 1 – September 22, 2021
Welcome and Handshake Highlights
Mike Michelini
Handshake 101
Matt Zipkin
Namecheap Now Offers Handshake Domain Registration
Marina Savina, Mike Michelini
The Risks and Impacts of Name Collisions
Tom Barrett
Why Decentralization Matters
Steven McKie, Jothan Frakes, Gonçalo Sá, Neel Yadav, Fist Full
NFT and Blockchain Investing
Jehan Chu
Numbers on Handshake Investing
Robert Raichici, Colin Burke, Sajan Nair, Paul Webb
Day 2 – September 23, 2021
Overview of what to Expect Today
Mike Michelini
Alexa100k - The Missing Link Between Alexa Ranking Sites & Handshake
Suffian Hussain
Handshake: A community-first blockchain project
Matt Zipkin, Fist Full, 0xStefan, Chad Folkening, Kiba Gateaux
What is Bob Wallet?
Jacky Chan, Rithvik Vibhu
Decentralized Name Exchange and You
Kurumi Imari
Issuing Lifetime Domains: Data and Insights
Mike Carson
War Stories: Handshake Pioneers Share SLD Sales and Lessons Learned for TLD Owners
Steve Webb, Tom Barrett, Clay Collins, Jothan Frakes
Use cases for Handshake names
Tieshun Roquerre
Concluding the Handshake Track
Mike Michelini
Day 3 – September 24, 2021
Flamingo Handshake Auction
Grab instantly-recognizable emoji and single-word TLDs on the decentralized internet, and see just how hot these names are getting. Get a leg up on the competition as the Handshake namespace heats up!
Also I got a great feedback from an attendee who found it from our SkyInclude/ youtube channel:

Was also able to cross-reference our new startup, Indigitus, the dWeb router during my intro session:

And an amazing Flamingo Auction (our sixth now) which had amazing results with 321,000 HNS in winning bids.

And bringing in new blood to Handshake from the traditional domain ecosystem, such as:

Hanging out at The Domain Social
After the auction, still rocking my flamingo glasses and stuff animal, popped into Arif’s domain social zoom:

Discussing long term collaboration and future events at NamesCon with Handshake. Lets keep things rolling.
And defining my role in life as an advocate not just for Handshake / HNS but the Dweb (decentralized web) in general. Sentinel and the Indigitus router, Akash, Sia, Filecoin, Helium – all of this stuff is going fast into mainstream and I am here to ride that wave and help bring more people into the ecosystem through education and awareness. (Not hype and FOMO)