Speaking to Thai Sellers & Manufacturers at CMU Step Amazon Event

Speaking to Thai Sellers & Manufacturers at CMU Step Amazon Event

In blog, e-commerce, Events, vlog by Michael Michelini

Another day, another sharing. This is what it is about, “hitting the pavement” and making relationships.

I was invited by the Amazon Global Selling team in Thailand to share about the seller community and events we are doing (Cross Border Summit + others). During the 20 minute slot, I decided to make it a bit more interactive.

Asking questions, seeing what the big problems or limitations are.

Was fun to engage with a few of the brave (many in Thailand are shy in my experience) attendees to ask questions.

Even got to try out one of the attendees product – a Fruit Bound “Chia chew”. Also met some handicraft sellers and networks. Some questions were how to know how much inventory to ship in, how to decide between 3pl, Amazon, and other options.

It is one of my favorite things, connecting and hearing the questions.

After the session, met Steve Selikoff who was in town for 1 day only! So of course if he is in town you gotta drop everything and make the most of that opportunity.

Talking about Cross border Summit, retail distribution, China, Canton Fair and more.

John Hubble, an engineer and friend was there, as well as Don Wilder a crowdfunding expert and product developer. Just keep on pushing ahead.

Also invited to be a Judge as a Live Bangkok Innovation Event

To top off this blog and vlog – I was invited to a live streaming with a panel of buyers to judge Thai innovative companies products. Would I buy or would I skip?

Our video was broadcast in a massive local offline event in Bangkok. Fun times, hope this can help reach some new people.

Also interested in the products themselves!

Why Do This?

These are the kinds of things people don’t always take into account with networking and community building. Some have asked why I do all of this – what is the ROI.

To me, this is life!

It is about building people up around you.

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