A great tool for loads of mass following. This tool helps you mass following. Twidium sends following requests to accounts interested in following you. So your followers increases. A must have tool to rank your twitter higher. Above all the tool is absolutely FREE!. Click here to visit Twidium tool screenshot. Twidium – get more followers with twitter
TweetFind.com – Announce Brand on a Top Twitter Directory
This is a new tool that make you easy to Announce your Brand on a Top Twitter Directory
Top Twitter Profile Pictures and Twitter Header Photos of 2015
Twitter recently revamped its latest design now you can showcase your Twitter Profile Picture and Twitter Header Big, Bold and Beautiful.
Why Twitter character is limited to 160 Characters?
The reason being is twitter started as a primarily SMS-based service, where the standard character limit is 160-characters.
Twitter Profile Pictures and Twitter Header Photos and Photos in Twitter Stream
This small but to the point article will explain you the difference between Twitter Profile Pictures and Twitter Header Photos and Photos in Twitter Stream
Stop Receiving Updates From A Person In Your Twitter Timeline
Stop Receiving Updates From A Person In Your Twitter Timeline
2015 Twitter Header Dimensions
The below template has been tested on multiple screen resolutions and in Twitter app using iPhone (5). Please do not add anything in the “invisible areas” or they will not show up. You may still use the “invisible on iPhone app” parts but I suggest not to put anything important in those areas.
Top 25 Creative Twitter Headers
Scroll down for some fresh and awesome Twitter header designs you can use to generate ideas for your next cover photo. Enjoy!
New Twitter Background Size Dimensions
Twitter background size dimensions are essential to developing an effective visual presence on the social media service for a long time, however twitter recently revamped their designs radically.
Twitter Background Dimensions 2013
(we moved this post to Twitter Image sizing guide) to consolidate everything together better.
Cross Border Blogger Lifestyle – Why I have 3 Phones & All This Other Gear!
Typing this on the road in Beijing Airport – and I am not regretting carrying all this stuff. I use them almost daily – minus some of the wires / USBs – but they do help a lot I posted this photo on my social media a couple weeks ago and got a ton of feedback and Will Lee suggest …
Turning ideas to life, speaking at Mensa Hong Kong on Saturday July 19
Download the presentation in pdf here I’m excited to speak this coming Saturday at the Hong Kong Mensa group about turning your ideas to life. It will be a fun topic and I am sharing the info below for those interested to attend to check it out! Free Group: Mensapreneurship [ Entrepreneurship Workshop with Michael Michelini ] Entrepreneurship is no …
10 Apps I Use on my Roadtrip Travels to Work Anywhere!
Typing out this blog in the passenger side of our van on this very road trip – and I was asked by some people what workflows and systems I use to keep up with work while on this 1 month road trip – I think its better to break it down by app. Have passed about 7,000 miles on this …
Arriving in San Francisco – Quick 2 days to maximize!
Exciting time in USA! I’m typing this Monday morning (Cali time) in a San Francisco hotel. Attila, reading my news of coming to USA, met me in LA to spend the trip w/ me together all the way from LA to Seattle. I was supposed to fly from LA to Seattle this Wednesday – but Attila has a car and …
Airplane Rides Are Motivational Sessions
Seriously, I don’t even bother trying to think I’ll sleep on these 14 hour flights. I am so excited and my mind is going a mile a minute. And I’ll be jet lagged anyway. So I use the flight to do a “brain dump” (thanks for that keyword Dustin!), cleaning up my notebook, writing blogs, reading books I’ve been meaning …