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Twidium – Get more followers instantly

In social media, travel, Twitter Tools by Michael Michelini

A great tool for loads of mass following. This tool helps you mass following. Twidium sends following requests to accounts interested in following you. So your followers increases. A must have tool to rank your twitter higher. Above all the tool is absolutely FREE!. Click here to visit Twidium tool screenshot. Twidium – get more followers with twitter

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2015 Twitter Header Dimensions

In social media, travel, Twitter Tools by Michael Michelini

The below template has been tested on multiple screen resolutions and in Twitter app using iPhone (5). Please do not add anything in the “invisible areas” or they will not show up. You may still use the “invisible on iPhone app” parts but I suggest not to put anything important in those areas.

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Airplane Rides Are Motivational Sessions

In travel by Michael Michelini3 Comments

Seriously, I don’t even bother trying to think I’ll sleep on these 14 hour flights. I am so excited and my mind is going a mile a minute. And I’ll be jet lagged anyway. So I use the flight to do a “brain dump” (thanks for that keyword Dustin!), cleaning up my notebook, writing blogs, reading books I’ve been meaning …