What is Mike Michelini Up To Now July 14 – 20, 2024

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to Now – July 14 – 20, 2024

Listen as audio here [1.25 minutes long] (or scroll down for text)

Regards from Brussels, Belgium – such a hyperactive week+ of side events at EthCC. Miss the fam and Asia to be honest, again reiterating that is my home.

* Reflection: A defining week for our startup Hamza decom marketplace- showing our demo. Meeting partners, alliances, and potential investors and grants.
* Cross Border Summit + Mastermind for November – in full push now that this Europe trip is past. Nov 3-5, also Devcon is in Bangkok so a lot of crypto overlap with our ecom world.
* Management- we are undergoing internally at Shadstone “RW restructuring” using RegardingWork a ton now for intercompany invoices and tracking.

For those who want to see how they can get involved and help, here are some ideas!

Cross Border Summit 2024 (Number 6!) will be better than ever, join us – Nov 3-5, 2024
Check out the demo of hamza.biz at demo.hamza.biz (temp link)

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