What is Mike Michelini Up To Now – Aug 25 – 31, 2024

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to Now – Aug 25 – 31, 2024

Listen as audio here [2 minutes long] (or scroll down for text)

End of August, the full transition. A few people I work with saying “message me in September, I’m on a trip / vacation”. Typical. Sales are slow, business is slow – it is the final calm before the big rush leading up to Q4.

Last week had amazing GFAVIP “connect hub” call – various networking rooms going, and workflow with the team.

This week:

* Hamza “Alpha Ship” becoming more and more alive. Last week more rapid development, still in a private alpha (contact us for whitelist) with real orders processing! Scheduled public beta for end of september/early October.

* Hamza tokenomics getting finalized. Beau on the foundation team has made final finishing touches, to show the wider Hamza team, advisors, and potential investors.

* Flippa/ Global From Asia “Roadshow to Cross border Summit” was announced last week – 6 cities starting Sept 24, will be epic.

* Cross Border Summit 2024 is leading up to be best ever, overflowing with interest and already planning 2025’s.

* Ecommerce team, logistics (Easy China Warehouse) all optimizing, workflows, adding products, adding services. Pushing it up and to the right.

For those who want to see how they can get involved and help, here are some ideas!

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