What is Michael Michelini Up To Now – Oct 6 – 12, 2024

In now by Michael Michelini

What Mike Michelini is up to Now – Oct 6 – 12, 2024

Listen as audio here [2 minutes long] (or scroll down for text)

Regards from Hanoi, Vietnam. In the midst of “The Asia Roadshow” and intense networking in Vietnam, definitely a hub for ecommerce. Made massive connections and strengthened quite a few existing – looking amazing for Cross Border Summit this November.

This week:
Our Hamza.market decom marketplace goes live this week, “stealth launch” just friends and listening before email and wider push.
Flying to Hong Kong Monday – roadshow 5 there Tuesday October 8
Shenzhen roadshow to wrap up the series on Thursday Oct 10 – full house already
Continue to develop systems, processes, team for this new world of decom.

For those who want to see how they can get involved and help, here are some ideas!

Get Active!
Join our last 2 roadshows https://flippa.com/events/the-asia-roadshow
Be a first Hamza market participant of https://hamza.market
Join us at the epic sixth annual https://2024.crossbordersummit.com


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