Upcoming Travel Schedule – Shanghai, Philippines, maybe USA

In china business, philippines business by Michael Michelini4 Comments

Been back in Shenzhen for a couple weeks now, straightened out things, had a pile of mail to pick up – mostly bills….ughhh…..and now off for a couple more weeks:

Shanghai – May 20 to 29, selling products directly from Shanghai to USA now. building up a cooperation there and have to get back there to discuss – emails and chat just aren’t the same. Working towards that “loadpipe” pipe dream. Also want to meet some bar and liquor distributors that I met last time. notice just a lot more action in Shanghai….it really is the “New York City” of China. Costs are still higher then Shenzhen for sure, and can you believe real estate there is sometimes higher then places in Manhattan, NY now? real estate is insanely high in China these days….

Back to Shenzhen a few days may 29 – like June 3

Philippines – still haven’t booked the flight, but thinking June 3 to June 15. I’m told that the rainy season starts there in mid June, so I want to get there BEFORE it starts. Planes can be delayed days even – it is some serious rain in the Philippines from what I’m told. Meet up with Marie and some others on customer service and training.

USA??? I am really finally break down…its so hard to be away this long. Remotely talking to people on skype voice (which sucks sometimes, seriously not sure whats up with chinese internet connection lately…telling me its the underwater foreign internet lines?) But just like I need to get to shanghai for some face to face talking…I need to do the same in USA. But my main problem is – so many damn states to go to when I get there. The amount of time and money for DOMESTIC flights…..

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