Been quite some time since last vlog, feels strange even recording and typing it up. A bit rusty with the video came – hope you can enjoy!
A few of you have been missing the videos – but I do not want to just make videos for the sake of making videos. The point of the vlog is when I am going somewhere / doing something ALREADY and take the camera with me. Not the other way around.
So now we have a reason, my buddy, and godfather of my kids, David Ho came up from Shenzhen. Another American like me “trapped’ in China during this pandemic. Well, technically we can leave, but re-entering would be next to impossible. He took a last minute flight up to Shenyang to see the setup here, and get me to relax a bit.
Lately have been just grinding away at websites and content creation – so it was nice to take a trip to the Shenyang botanical garden. Renting some bikes, getting some exercise and fresh air.
After the garden, we went for a very well decorated traditional Dong Bei (East North) Chinese food with military feel and tiger designs.

Wrapping up with a night market walk through. This is a new trend in China as the government is giving people rent-free space to sell their food and goods in an effort to boost the economy.
Check out the vlog on this mini vacation:
Dave was just here a few days, but nice to see an old friend and get out for a bit. Hope everyone is making the most of the summer during this pandemic while also staying safe!