Put Yourself Out There - Early “Alpha” Of Decom Hamza Marketplace

Put Yourself Out There – Early “Alpha” Of Decom Hamza Marketplace

In blog, e-commerce, Events, vlog by Michael Michelini

The common question – what is the latest on our web3 ecommerce marketplace (decom) Hamza

Over a year now in the making, we are pushing out an MVP (minimum viable product) – alpha – code name called “Alpha Ship” – to stop building in the dark and to build in the public.

Reid Hoffman at Linkedin has the famous quote – if you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you waited too long. So with that in mind – we are pushing this out to a live blockchain and getting early alpha user feedback.

In today’s vlog Mike takes you with him to see the ecom meetup where he shares the process and engages with the attendees.

This is what innovation is, sharing something early, being open to feedback, learning, and adapting.

If you’d like to be an ambassador on this Hamza “alpha ship” check out https://blog.hamza.biz/ambassador.

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