And as a father of an 8 and 6 year old - this is what matters. The time I spend with them , support them, and encourage them to be good human beings.
Maggie made a paper tie for me (in the photo) and insisted I wear it as soon as she returned home from school on Friday. Snapped a quick camera phone selfie, and this photo will be in our memories for years to come.

Also posted the same on their own websites at
And look forward to them taking over updating their own websites very soon!
Video Song From The Kids
At the GFAKids evening movie reflection session, they each thanked their dads. Here is Miles and Maggie’s
Letter to My Own Dad
And of course, I cannot overlook my own dad:
Hi dad,
Thanks for everything throughout my life. Many have said it and it is true - you learn how much to appreciate your parents once you become one yourself.