My friend and business partner in Excalibur Brothers brand, Luciano, has a lot to celebrate – he has his art pieces on display at an art gallery – alongside blue chip artists’ work!
As I prepare to leave China, I wanted to make sure to support Luciano and attend this art gallery beforehand.
It took place in the DaFen oil painting village of Shenzhen China. Known for copycat art, the government has been investing heavily in making it more an innovative art center.
Enter Luciano! They found him as they were looking for more innovative and modern art and he fits the bill. His concepts can be seen on his website but we will show them in the video.
(Don’t have time to watch the video – here are the 3 art pieces of Luciano that were on display at the gallery )

Celebrating this milestone with Luciano made me think of one of my favorite movies – Great Expectations (read it here (1998_film) ) – where Finn the artist finally becomes a famous artist in New York City.
Cheers Luciano, and enjoy this – I’ve seen how much work you’ve put into it.
Public – You can use these high res images
(If you want the full res images – here they are)