Turning ideas to life, speaking at Mensa Hong Kong on Saturday July 19

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I’m excited to speak this coming Saturday at the Hong Kong Mensa group about turning your ideas to life.   It will be a fun topic and I am sharing the info below for those interested to attend to check it out!  Free


[ Entrepreneurship Workshop with Michael Michelini ]

Entrepreneurship is no longer just a business term; it’s a way of life. You don’t need to be an entrepreneur to be entrepreneurial!

How many times have heard someone says to you, “That’s a great idea, you should take the initiative and make it a reality.” What typically happens? Most of the time – NOTHING !! Most great ideas remain dormant because people don’t have the courage, resources, time and money to take action. And for those who take action, most are unprepared and thus find themselves spending their valuable time and money on a dream that simply goes astray.

Converting an idea into a reality is never an easy task. In fact, it is tremendously difficult.“GIVING IDEAS LIFE” is much like giving birth to a child. You must own the responsibility regardless of the circumstances. No one will ever understand your idea or the dynamics associated with it like you do. In this regard, you are on your own and the journey will require you to learn about yourself – more than anything else will in your career.

As the old saying goes, “If it were easy – EVERYONE WOULD DO IT.” Perhaps the process of cultivating an idea into a reality is a never ending cycle if you want to keep the idea alive over changing times. 

[ Instructor ] Michael Michelini – American social media & e-commerce specialist.  [ Date and Time ]Saturday, 19 July 2014 3 P.M. – 5 P.M. [ Venue
Trafalgar Pub
54-62 Lockhart Road,
The Broadway,
Hong Kong

Full description

Entrepreneurship is no longer just a business term; it’s a way of life. You don’t need to be an entrepreneur to be entrepreneurial.

As a Mensan, how many times have heard someone says to you, “That’s a great idea, you should take the initiative and make it a reality.” What typically happens? Most of the time – NOTHING.

Most great ideas remain dormant because people don’t have the courage, resources, time and/or money to take action. And for those who take action, most are unprepared and thus find themselves spending their valuable time and money on a dream that simply goes astray.

Converting an idea into a reality is never an easy task. In fact, it is extremely difficult.

“Giving ideas life” is much like giving birth to a child. You must own the responsibility regardless of the circumstances. No one will ever understand your idea or the dynamics associated with it like you do. In this regard, you are on your own and the journey will require you to learn about yourself – more than anything else will in your career.
As the old saying goes, “If it were easy – everyone would do it.” Perhaps the process of cultivating an idea into a reality is a never ending cycle if you want to keep the idea alive over changing times.

Here are the things you must actively do – at all times – in order to convert ideas into reality:

1. Believe in Yourself, your high IQ
2. Be Patient
3. Be Passionate With Your Pursuit
4. Be Purposeful
5. Embrace Risk
6. Create Your Group of Advisors
7. Learn How to Sell Your Vision
8. Connect the Dots Along the Way
9. Make Work/Life Balance a Priority
mike at mensa hk

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