Yes, been a while since the last vlog – but hope you are enjoying the shorter more focused videos on a specific topic or thing we are working on here instead.
Those who miss these vlogs, here we go – finally leaving the house again (seems whenever I leave the house I have to take the camera!) for an extended family reunion and “hike” (more like walk up a slope driveway ha!) a mountain a couple hours outside of Shenyang, China.
Those who are not familiar with the Chinese holiday calendar – this is the second biggest holiday – after Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year). The Golden week, also mid-autumn festival, and National Day – all mix together in the end of September / early October each year.
Highlight – mooncake – the fruit cake of Asia!

We borrowed a family member’s car, and three carloads of family members – aunts, uncles, sisters of uncle in law, etc – and drove a couple hours to hike a mountain.
After the hike, had dumplings and a massive Chinese dinner table. Played with the kids after dinner while the family talked, and now back home typing this up.
Going on this trip made me realize, I have basically been 100% submerged in Chinese culture and people since my buddy Dave visited me in end of July/Early August. Which is now months ago. And before that – since leaving the Philippines in mid March!
What a year all of us have been through.
And yes, I’m here in China not sure how long anymore. We all had our plans this year, and ours pre-covid would have been back in Thailand by now. But with borders still closed or very difficult (or expensive) to move a whole family around in, seems we will be here maybe even into 2021.
I hope all my friends and family around the world are healthy and safe. We are in the fourth quarter / last couple months of 2020, let’s make the most of it.
Let’s enjoy where we are, who we are with, and be appreciative – holiday or not!