DAY ONE OF STARTUP WEEKEND SHENZHEN 17:00 – 19:00 Registration & Networking 19:00 – 19:30 Welcome & Speakers 19:30 –21:00 Pitch your idea! 21:00 – 21:30 Vote on ideas 21:30 – 22:30 Teams form (1h) 22:30+ Stay or go home
Startup Weekend Shenzhen Day 2 – PHOTO BLOG
DAY TWO OF STARTUP WEEKEND SHENZHEN 9:00 – 9:30 Breakfast 9:30 – 12:00 Work on idea, Progress check point #1 Teams are formed, individual skills introduced, a team leader is appointed and all systems go! Teams getting advice from Mentors Mentors make their rounds and go around the room talking to each team. At this point, the teams are able …
Happening this weekend! April 06-08, 2012 2403-2405, Tencent Building, Hi-techPark, Nanshan,Shenzhen 深圳市南山区高新科技园中区一路腾讯大厦 2403-2405
APRIL 3 Nick Plante on How to Find a Technical Co-Founder
[box] Who: Nick Plante, Co-founder of Wefunder and Zerosum Labs [/box] [box] When: 7 PM, TUESDAY, APRIL 3 2012 [/box] [box] Where: Chai Huo Hackerspace, Nanshan, Shenzhen [/box] [box] Cost: FREE [/box] [box] Topic: How to find a technical cofounder? [/box] [box] About: Co-founder of Wefunder and Zerosum Labs. Formerly CTO of Mogoterra. Organizer of Rails Rumble (largest global weekend hack competition), Startup Workaway, created Ruby / JavaScript / OSS / product hacker …
March 27th, Huck Liang CEO and founder of
[box] Who: Huck Liang, CEO and founder of [box] When: 7 PM, TUESDAY, MARCH 27th 2012 [box] Where: Chai Huo Hackerspace, Nanshan, Shenzhen [box] Cost: FREE [box] Topic: How to import goods into China? [box] About: As Huck Liang has 11 years in the import and export industry. He started his company in 2006 and has been focused on providing import and export solutions for SOHO and …
March 20th Open topic discussion at Chai Hou
This Tuesday come join us for an open topic and networking session! Same time , same place- bring a beer , see you there.
March 13 David Zhang aka Digitalboy from GeekCook
[box] Who: David Zhang aka Digitalboy from GeekCook [/box] [box] When: 7 PM, TUESDAY, MARCH 13 2012 [/box] [box] Where: Chai Huo Hackerspace, Nanshan, Shenzhen [/box] [box] Cost: FREE [/box] [box] Topic: Dealing with creative product design inside China [/box] [box] David aka Digitalboy is the lead product designer for the famous Chinese brand GeekCook – a brand that represents individuality and creativity in China. David has experience in managing a team …
Interested in E-Commerce? Want to experience the energy of a room full of entrepreneurs? Do you want your one-on-one chance with industry experts or are simply interested in finding investors…THIS EVENT IS FOR YOU! Coming you way in April 6-8. See you in Nanshan. 创业周末(Startup Weekend)风暴再次来袭!想在互联网领域大展拳脚, 想体验创业气氛, 想结识各路高手, 想得到牛人辅导, 想认识投资人… 4月6日(周五晚)-8日, 机遇不容错过, 深圳南山约定你!报名: ,详情: More information coming soon.
Startup Tuesday Powered by Shenzhen Marketing
Startup Tuesday is a weekly event dedicated to content, presentation, and networking. The speakers and attendees are made up of awesome people from the technical and business community.
Inspirational speakers are selected every week to share their stories, followed by a Q&A session and then open networking.
MARCH 6 Nick Ramil and Tim Nybo from F2E Ventures/TEL
Who: Nick Ramil and Tim Nybo from F2E Ventures /TEL When: 7 PM, TUESDAY, MARCH 6 2012 Where: Chai Huo Hackerspace, Nanshan, Shenzhen Cost: FREE Topic: The importance of networking abroad / 国外关系网络的重要性 Nick and Tim are two young American entrepreneurs who moved to China after graduation from University. Currently, they are involved in several venture in a variety of fields, …
FEB 28 BOYD JONES from iTech Holdings Limited / 冠誉创业投资管理(深圳)有限公司
[box] Who: Boyd Jones from iTech Holdings Limited / 冠誉创业投资管理(深圳)有限公司[/box] [box] When: 7 PM, TUESDAY, FEB 28 2012 [/box] [box] Where: Chai Huo Hackerspace, Nanshan, Shenzhen [/box] [box] Cost: FREE [/box] [box] Topic: Startup Financing – Options from a Chinese Perspective 创业融资-从中国的角度看有哪些选择 [/box] [box] Boyd has been involved in VC and Tech in Greater China since 1991. He is currently at iTech Holdings Limited 冠誉创业投资管理(深圳)有限公司 and is also a …
Protected: Happy New Year! Bringing Back Shenzhen Ecommerce Meetups
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Meetup #6 – IP Law + Chinese Legal Issues
*** Please note we have rescheduled To Aug 13 from Aug 6 due to Universiade dates **** Our next meetup with be Saturday August 13 , again in the Kingdee building of High Tech park. This event will be focused on Copyright, IP (Intellectual property) and other legal issues in the Chinese export industry for ecommerce businesses. We have 2 …
First Meeting for Startups in Shenzhen!
Been talking to more and more people that want to network with other startups in Shenzhen….there are many around, well lets DO IT! We will use the office for the place, and pick Tuesday night 7pm to get people together. What: Startups Shenzhen Meetup For Who: People that are in startups or curious When: Tuesday, Aug 9, 7pm …
5th Meetup for Shenzhen Ecommerce Group
**Note — room is 401 Block-B Kingdee instead of the first floor **** Also, an additional speaker –> 郑伟彤, Product Director in Kingdee, speaking on Business Model of ******************************* The Shenzhen Internet Marketing Group is organizing a meetup on Saturday afternoon, June 18, in the afternoon from 1pm to approx 5 or 6pm. 1) cost – its FREE. the …