How Will People Remember You When You’re Dead?

In vlog by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Today’s video blog originally started about my being on a panel about personal branding, but somehow turned into how people will remember you when you’re dead. I guess there actually is a connection between the 2. A brand is something that people say about you (or your company, or your product) when you’re not in the room. At your funeral, ya, you’re there but at least not in this physical world, so people will read your Eulogy and say what the know you as.

Chance Jiang was one of the panelists, and he said he is 40 years old now, and plans to live another 40. He has broken up the next 40 years into 5 year blocks with goals for each one. Very cool! I also added that you can have a quarterly review which I read you write your OWN eulogy and it blows your mind. Are you working towards what you want to do when you “grow up” or do you have limiting beliefs and excuses (reasons) why you need to wait.

A Chinese factory sales rep, Robert Luo, asked how to build his brand in USA. I joked, say “you only live once, but this product today as you may be dead tomorrow”. But brand is about feeling, emotion connection. What does something think about when they see you, see your product, see your company?

I wonder if I have even been doing a good job myself in personal branding. I love internet marketing, blogging, and I’m here in China about 10 years now. Global From Asia is my business blog, and Mike’s Blog is my personal blog. I’d love your feedback on my personal brand, do you think I’m clear with my messaging?

And also,

What do you want to be remembered as?

When you are dead, When you are at your own funeral looking at your coffin, what will you want people to remember you as.

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