GRIND03 – Feb 2016 Grind Report

In productivity by Michael MicheliniLeave a Comment

Time to grind! Third month I’ve been doing the grind report and this month was a rough one for me.

Results for Feb2016 compared to Jan 2016

Here’s the results:

And here are the numbers:

Comparing monthly totals: 155 in Jan vs 108 in Feb.

Notes on February

I had a feeling it would be hard to compete with Jan. It was Chinese New Year for like 2 weeks this month, plus it is a shorter month. Its also freezing cold, and working at home on the balcony with 2 jackets on doesn’t help with productivity!

But no excuses. Yet this is my report on why.

Yet the big part is my family, team members, and friends understand my work schedule. I love my mornings, it is my sacred work time to get things done, and I appreciate people respecting that. So bear with me and in March it will be much better.

Forecast for March

So how do I feel about this coming month? Well, just like every month – we always start on a high. Yet there are good reasons March will come up bigger and better than Feb.

I am moving to a new apartment! I was talking to my wife about how I need my own home office and this apartment is too small. Yet our lease is locked in till November. And to my amazement, 3 days later, the landlord came and told us she needs to move back in (for personal reasons) and that she will give us a month free to find a new place.

So the last month in Feb I cut off some pomodoro sets to look for an apartment – but I found a good one. Just a bit more expensive but has my own little study room. So I am excited about that and want to rock March’s grind report.

Plus no real holidays in March – everyone back in the office for bot the Western side of the world and the Chinese side of the world. Probably this month is one of those productive months in the year when you think about it – everyone is just working . No summer holiday, no Chinese new year, no Christmas, just a full month of work.

Plus I have to push hard for the first annual Cross Border Summit that is in April 16 in Shenzhen. Up my game, the pressure is on. Sell tickets, confirm speakers, make an amazing event.

Ok, back to the grind

This little report is awesome! Do you actually read it? 🙂 Anyway, putting it online rather than in my desktop makes it more real for me, whether you read this or not!

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